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Med Term Ch. 1

Chapter 1 Terminology

actin(o) light
aer(o) air; gas
alge, alges(i), algio, algo pain
andro masculine
ather(o) plaque; fatty substance
bacteri(o) bacteria
bar(o) weight; pressure
bas(o), basi(o) base
bio- life
blasto immature cells
calc(o), calci(o) calcium
carcin(o) cancer
chem(o) chemical
chlor(o) chlorine, green
chondri(o), chondr(o) cartilage, grainy, gritty
chrom(o), chromat(o) color
chrono time
cry(o) cold
crypt(o) hidden; obscure
cyan(o) blue
cycl(o) circle; cycle; ciliary body
cyst(o), cysti bladder, cyst, cystic duct
cyt(o) cell
dextr(o) right, toward the right
dips(o) thirst
dors(o), dorsi back
echo reflected sound
electr(o) electricity, electric
eosin(o) red; rosy
erythr(o) red, redness
esthesio sensation, perception
etio cause
fibr(o) fiber
fluor(o) light; luminous; fluorine
fungi fungus
galact(o) milk
gen(o) producing; being born
gero, geront(o) old age
gluco glucose
glyco sugars
gonio angle
granul(o) granular
gyn(o), gyne, gyneco women
home(o), homo same; constant
hydr(o) hydrogen, water
hypn(o) sleep
iatr(o) physician; treatment
immun(o) safe; immune
kinesi(o), kineso motion
lact(o), lacti milk
latero lateral, to one side
leuk(o) white
lip(o) fat
lith(o) stone
log(o) speech, words, thought
macr(o) large; long
medi(o) middle; medial plane
meg(a), megal(o) large; million
melan(o) black; dark
mes(o) middle; median
micr(o) small; one-millionth; tiny
mio smaller; less
morph(o) structure; shape
narco sleep; numbness
necr(o) death; dying
noct(i) night
nucle(o) nucleus
nyct(o) night
oncho, onco tumor
orth(o) straight; normal
oxy sharp; acute; oxygen
path(o) disease
phago eating; devouring; swallowing
pharmaco drugs; medicine
phon(o) sound; voice; speech
phot(o) light
physi, physio physical; natural
plasma, plasmo formative; plasma
pseud(o) false
pyo pus
pyreto fever
pyro fever; fire; heat
radio radiation; x-ray; radius
salping(o) tube
schiz(o) split; divison
scler(o) hardness; hardening
scolio crooked; bent
somat(o) body
somn(o), somni sleep
sono sound
spasmo spasm
spher(o) round; spherical
spir(o) breath; breathe
staphyl(o) grapelike clusters
steno narrowness
strepto twisted chaines; streptococci
styl(o) peg-shaped
syring(o) tube
terato monster (as a malformed fetus)
therm(o) heat
tono tension; pressure
top(o) place; topical
tox(i), toxico, toxo poison; toxin
tropho food; nutrition
vivi life
xeno stranger
xer(o) dry
zo(o) life
Created by: libbygrace7
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