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Week 1 Terms-Spring

Acme 1) The highest peak 2) The time of greatest intensity of a symptoms or disease process. The period of maximum intensity of uterine contraction
Amnioinfusion The intrauterine instillation of fluid
Amniotomy Surgical rupture of amnion and chorion
Breech The buttocks
Caput 1) The head 2) The upper part of the organ
Caudal 1) Pertaining to any tail-like structure 2) Inferior in position
Cephalic Cranial
Crowning Stage in delivery when fetal head appears at the vaginal opening
Deceleration (FHR) A decrease in the fetal heart beat from the baseline
Decrement The period in the course of a febrile disease when the fever subsides. The period of subsidence of uterine contraction
Dilation Expansion of an organ or vessel
Effacement Obliteration (thinning) of the uterine cervix during labor
Engagement The entrance of the fetal head or part being presented into the pelvis
Epidural Block Provide regional anesthesia for obsteric patients by injecting medication into potential space outside dura mater
Episiotomy Incision of perineum at the end of second stage of labor to avoid laceration of perineum and to facilitate delivery
Fetal Narcosis CNS depression of the fetus as a result of medications or anesthesia given to the mother
FHR Fetal heart rate (110-160)
Increment The period of increasing intensity of uterine contraction
Interval The space or time between uterine contractions
Intrapartum From the onset of labor to the delivery of the fetus and expulsion of the placenta
Lightening Descent of the fetus into pelvis
Macrosomia Abnormally large body
Meconium First feces of a newborn infant
Oxytocin A pituitary hormone stimulates the uterus to contract, thus inducing delivery
Parturition The act of giving birth
Physiologic Bradycardia A slowed heartbeat caused by pressure of the contracted uterus o the fetal head
Show (vaginal) The serosanguinous discharge from the vagina during the first stage of labor
Station The degree of descent of the presenting part of the fetus during the process of delivery
Tetanic Contraction A state of continued contraction of the uterine muscle occurs in prolonged labors
Transition Last part of first stage of labor, when cervix is dilating from 8-10 cm
Uterine Contraction The primary force of labor
VBAC Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Vertex The top of the head
Created by: nonelily
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