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Med Term Chap1and 2

Medical Terminology The language of Health Care Second Edition

a-, an- without
anti-, contra- against or opposed to
de- from, down, or not
ab- away from
ad- to, toward, or near
circum-, peri- around
dia-, trans- across or through
e-,ec-, ex- out or away
ecto-,exo-, extra- outside
en-, endo-,intra- within
epi- upon
inter- between
meso- middle
meta- beyond, after, or change
para- alongside of or abnormal
retro- backward or behind
sub-, infra- below or under
bi- two or both
hemi-, semi- half
hyper- above or excessive
hypo- below or deficient
macro- large or long
micro- small
mono-, uni- one
oligo- few or deficient
pan- all
poly-, multi- many
quadr- four
super-, supra- above or excessive
tri- three
ultra- beyond or excessive
ante-, pre-, pro- before
brady- slow
tachy- fast
post- after or behind
re- again or back
con-, syn-, sym- together or with
dys- painful, difficult, or faulty
eu- good or normal
neo- new
abdomin/o, lapar/o abdomen
acr/o extremity or topmost
aden/o gland
aer/o air or gas
angi/o, vas/o, vascul/o vessel
carcin/o cancer
cardi/o heart
cephal/o head
cyan/o blue
cyt/o cell
derm/o, dermat/o, cutane/o skin
dextr/o right or on the right side
erythr/o red
fibr/o fiber
gastr/o stomach
gen/o origin or production
gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o sugar
hem/o, hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
hydr/o water
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
lith/o stone
melan/o black
morph/o form
nas/o, rhin/o nose
necr/o death
or/o mouth
orth/o straight, normal, or correct
oste/o bone
path/o disease
ped/o child or foot
phob/o exaggerated fear or sensitivity
phon/o voice or sound
plas/o formation
pod/o foot
psych/o mind
py/o pus
ren/o, nephr/o kidney
scler/o hard
sinistr/o left or on the left side
son/o sound
sten/o narrow
therm/o heat
tox/o, toxico poison
troph/o nourishment or development
ur/o, urin/o urine
-algia, -dynia pain
-genesis origin or production
-lysis breaking down or dissolution
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-penia abnormal reduction
-rrhea discharge
-spasm involuntary contraction
-cele pouching or hernia
-ectasis expansion or dilation
-emia blood condition
-iasis formation or presence of
-itis inflammation
-malacia softening
-oma tumor
-osis condition or increase
-phil, -philia attraction for
-ptosis falling or downward displacement
-rrhage, rrhagia to burst forth (usually blood)
-rrhexis rupture
-centesis puncture for aspiration
-desis binding
-ectomy excision or removal
-pexy suspension or fixation
-plasty surgical repair or reconstruction
-rrhaphy suture
-tomy incision
-stomy crceation of an opening
-tripsy crushing
-e noun marker
-ia, -ism condition of
-ium structure or tissue
-ation, -y condition or process of
-ac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-eal pertaining to
-ic pertaining to
-ous pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
-icle small
-ole small
-ula small
-ule small
-gram record
-graph instrument for recording
-graphy process of recording
-iatrics, -iatry treatment
-logy study of
-logist one who specializes in the study or treatmernt of
-ist one who specializes in
-meter instrument for measuring
-metry process of measuring
-poiesis formation
-scope instrument for examination
-scopy examination
-statis stop or stand
Prime Time The time of day when you are most alert and at your finest, when learning is best accomplished
See it, say it, write it Visual, auditory, kinisthetic
Prefix placed at beginning of word structure helps to further modify the roots
Root The foundation or subject of the word
Suffix The ending word structure that gives meaning to the root.
First most common combining vowel O
Second most common combining vowel i
Rule 1 CV used to join root to root and root to suffix beginning with a consonant
Rule 2 CV is NOT used before a suffix that begins with a vowel
Rule 3 If the root ends in a vowel and the suffix begins with the same vowel drop the final vowel from root and do not use a CV
Rule 4 CV is inserted between two roots even when the second root begins with a vowel.
Rule 5 Occasionally, when a prefix ends in a vowel and root begins with vowel, final vowel dropped from the prefix.
Origin of diagnosis and surgery Greek
Origin of anatomy of the body Latin
Popular Nursing sets




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