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Stack #114311

annular circular, begins in center spreads to periphery (ringworm)
confluent run together (hives)
discrete individualized, distinct, remain seperate (pimples)
grouped clusters (contact dermatitis)
gyrate twisted lesions, linear/gyrated (poison ivy)
target lesion within a lesion, like an iris around a pupil (erythema multiforme--hypersensitivity rxn)
linear scratch or streak (poison ivy)
zosteriform linear, along a nerve route (herpes zoster, shingles)
macule color change, flat, circumscribed, less than 1 cm (freckle/mole)
patch macule that is > 1cm (cafe au lait, vitiligo--hypopigmentation
papule solid, elevated, delineated borders, less than .5 cm (elevated mole/wart)
plaque papules that coalesce to form an elevation, > 1 cm
nodule solid, elevated, hard/soft, deeper into dermis >.5 cm (fibroma)
tumor firm/soft, deep into dermis, >2 cm (lipoma--fatty tumor)
wheal superficial, transient, secondary edema in skin layers, raised, erythematous, solitairy hive (mosquito bite)
urticaria wheals that coalesce, very itchy (hives)
pruritic itchy
vesicle elevated lesion that contains fluid, < .5 cm (herpes, early chicken pox--initial lesion)
bulla vesicle >1 cm (blister, burn)
cyst encapsulated, fluid-filled cavity in dermis (sebaceous cyst)
pustule vesicle that contains pus (impetigo, acne)
crusts dried exudate
scales flakes of skin (psoriasis, eczema, dry skin)
fissure linear crack, into dermis
erosion scooped out, shallow depression (Stage II DPU)
ulcer deeper depression, into dermis
excoriation scratch--usually self-inflicted
lichenification thickening of the skin (thick elbows in winter, elephant-like skin)
angiomas smooth, slightly raised, bright red, will blanch, form on trunk, normal with aging & liver dz, caused by capillary dilitation
telangiectasis fiery red star-shaped lesion, will blanch with pressure, on face/neck, caused by capillary dilitation, normal with pregnancy, age, liver dz
ecchymosis bruising
portwine stain (hemangioma) benign proliferation of blood vessels in dermis
strawberry mark (hemangioma) macular patch covering scalp or face, immature capillaries, shows at birth, gone by age 5
petechiae tiny < 2mm hemorrhages, bleeding from superficial capillaries, do not blanch, thrombocytopenia
purpura extensive patches of petechiae/ecchymosis
tinea capitis fungal infection, lose big patch of hair (ringworm)
alopecia areata sudden disappearance of hair, unknown cause, grows back
trichotillomania self-induced hair loss, usually anxiety-related
pediculosis capitis lice
hirsutism excess hair loss in women, endocrine dysfunction
furuncle infected hair follicle--usually Staph
koilonychias spoon nails
Created by: hunter.398
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