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populations test 1

first to establish sanitation Egypt
internal health (dietary restrictions, segratition of the ill) health of the community was responsibility of the community Hebrew
first belief in health promotion and physical activity Greece
welfare and care of the sick Rome
away from mysticism, healths soliders for the crusades, voodoo Christians
advances in scientific thought, increased social involvment, gov. involvment in healthcare, sisters of charity(1st home RN) Renissance
decrease in population and common disease earsily controlled, family care for the sick Colonial America
sparadic and responsive to "outbreak", 1st quarantine, vital signs kept in bible for the first time Public Effort
1st national effort to address health issues 1798 Act of Seaman
1st home care for the sick in charleston S.C., organized approach 1813 Ladies Benealt Society
need for cheap labor, massive immigration of poor, social reformers improved wefare, uppersocial economical groups started 1st health care to poor industrial revolution
4 elements of Community M-membership, I-influences, F-fulfilment of needs, S-shared emotional connection
diminsions model of Community nursing (BBPPSH) Biophysical, behavioral, psychological, physical, socioculture, health systems
Primary prevention prevention such as immunizations
secondary early detection such as screenings of risk groups
Tertiary after problem has occured, treatment to prevent problem from worsening
Diminsions of nursing (CPRSIE) congnitive, process, reflective, skills, interpersonal, ethical
interelated concepts that seek to explain on predict phenomena theory
description/analogy as a pattern to enhance understanding of reality model
improve environment to improve health, wrote notes on nursing in 1859 with william R, established 1st now religious school for RN's nightengale
refered to as the "black nightengale", caribean (sick end of life care) Seacole
1st community RN, home visits to the poor in NYC Frances Root
Henry St. settlement, taught English to the immigrants in NYC Lillian Wald
Frontier nursing services Mary Breckenridge
self care model, promote community independence, lack of self care=nursing care Orem model
health care systems model, remain stable in the environment, 4variables Neumans model
4 variables of neumans model psycho, physio, socio, developmentd
human becoming theory, quality of life is your own perspective and quality of life is the nurses goal in practice Parse
health promotion model, health behaviors promotion, act on environment rather than react to stressors arising is called proactive Pender
adaptation model, healthful mechanisms in coping or adapting to stressors, experience stimuli Roys
public health nursing, education engineering and enforcemtne, achieve or maintain public health , manipulate environment if needed salman
unity man, environment interaction and holistic health, uncle system>sum of parts Rogers
Framework for prevention, health related behaviors are a result of habitual selection from limited choice, comm. oriented population focused, lack of knowledge equals unhealthy behavior milios
culture helps interpret another persons behavior
race is biological
common origin, shared culture and identity such as language tradition, religion, holidays and food ethnic groups
are sense of direction along with meaning of life values
knowlege, opinions, faith, concerning various aspects of ones world beliefs
are directly observable customs
is 100% learned culture
aware of our own values and avoid generalization cultural awareness
most important aspect of culture to consider is socio/economical
mutually accepted treatment plan, incorporating anothers values, beliefs, and practices culturally responsive
variety of clutural patterns coexist within a designated geographical area cultural plurality
all cultures experience this internal knowledge; gained from being a member; and personal experience tacit knowledge
3 groups with out insurance very wealthy, people with questionable legal status, males ages 24-31 years old
for people over 65 and eligible for SS diability and is funded by the government medicare
for children, funded by federal and state government medicaid
host= susceptible human
agent= factor, health problem or condition
environment all external factors around the host
passive immunity natural or artifical short term
cross immunity one agent has immunity to another agent
herd immunity a population group all immune or susceptable
4 stages of disease susceptible, adapt, onset, culmination
#of people developing disease/ total # @ rise per unit of time incidence
#of people with characteristics/total # in population prevalence
descriptive study count cases
analytic study case controlled
experimental study build on first 2types look at changes
controled global trends childhood immunizations, small pox, polio, plague
uncontrolled global trends malaria
national trends in new disease HIV
national trends in emerging disease typhoid
national trends in resurging disease E.coli
direct transportation droplet
indirect transportation contamination
Created by: dnoyes
Popular Nursing sets




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