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cartilage covers end of bones
muscles provide movement and strength
joints where bones meet; provide movement
bones skeleton
ligaments attach bone to bone
tendons attach muscles to bone
epiphysis end of long bones
periosteum covering of long bones
diaphysis shaft of long bones
cranium skull
sternum breast bone
costo pertains to rib cage
xiphoid process lower part of sternum
medullary cavity stores yellow bone marrow
hematopoietic pertains to the production of red blood cells
scapula shoulder blade
carpal pertains to wrist bones
phalanges pertains to fingers and toes
humerus large bone of the arm
clavicle anterior shoulder bone
ulna & radius small bones of the forearm
ilium large flared bone of the hip
ischium hip bones you sit on
femur long bone of the leg
tibia shin bone
orrhaphy suturing
desis fusion or fixation of a joint
myelo bone marrow or spine
osteo pertains to the bones
chondro cartilage
arthritis inflammation of the joints
orthepedists specialist of the musculoskeletal system
lordosis forward curvature of lumbar spine (swayback)
kyphosis outward protrusion of thoracic spine (humpback)
arthroscopy view joints with lighted instrument
coccygeal vertebrae four vertebrae that fuse with sacrum in sdults
sacral vertebrae vertebrae of the lowest part of the spine: s1-s5
lumbar vertebrae vertebrae of the lower back: L1-L5
thoracic vertebrae pertaining to the mid back: T1-T12
cervical vertebrae vertebrae of the neck: c1-c7
vertebrae bones of the spinal column
malacia softening
myocardial muscle heart muscle
smooth muscles involuntary muscle
skeletal muscles voluntary muscle
circumduction movement around the body
abduction movement away from the body
adduction movement towards the body
tarsals pertaining to the ankle bones
patella knee cap
Created by: mariavaldez77
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