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9E Metals @ AJHS NZ

Metal reactions and properties at Albany Junior High School NZ

Metals Elements that are shiny, conduct heat and electricity well and often have high melting and boiling points.
non-metals Elements that are not shiny, and do not conduct heat and electricity well. They often have low melting and boiling points. The solid ones are brittle.
Property Something that is used to describe how a material behaves and what it is like. Hardness is a property of some solids.
Salts Compounds made in some reactions involving acids. They have a metal part and a non-metal part. The non-metal part is usually chloride, sulphate or nitrate (e.g. potassium sulphate).
Weathered Broken down by chemical or physical changes.
Base A chemical which reacts with an acid to form a salt.
Neutralisation Mixing an acid and a base together to make a solution with a pH of 7.
Oxidised When a substance reacts with oxygen to form an oxide.
Reactive A substance that reacts with many other substances, or reacts very easily.
Unreactive A substance that reacts with few other substances, or reacts very slowly or not at all.
Corrode When something (such as stone or metal) reacts with chemicals in the air or water and gets worn away.
Oxide A compound formed when something reacts with oxygen.
Reactivity Series A list of metals which shows them in order of their reactivity, with the most reactive at the top.
Sulphates Compounds containing sulphur and oxygen. They are the type of salt formed when a reaction with sulphuric acid occurs.
Bonds Forces holding particles together.
displace When one element takes the place of another in a compound – a type of substitution.
Displacement reaction A reaction where one element takes the place of another in a compound.
electrolysis A process where electricity is used to split compounds apart, normally to produce an element.
Metals good conductors of heat and electricity
Metals shiny
Metals solids, often with high melting points (except for mercury)
Metals found on the left-hand side of the Periodic Table
Metals sometimes magnetic – three metals are magnetic (iron, cobalt and nickel)
Metals form basic oxides
Metals rigid when thick and bendy when thin
Metals can be hammered into shape
Non-metals poor conductors of heat and electricity (except for carbon in the form of graphite which conducts electricity)
Non-metals dull
Non-metals mostly solids or gases
Non-metals found on the right-hand side of the Periodic Table
Non-metals never magnetic
Non-metals form acidic oxides
Non-metals brittle
Non-metals cannot be hammered into shape – the solid ones break
metal reacting with an acid salt and hydrogen gas is given off.
Chlorides made when hydrochloric acid is used.
Sulphates made when sulphuric acid is used.
Nitrates made when nitric acid is used.
test for hydrogen put a burning splint into a test tube of gas. If hydrogen is present, it will explode with a squeaky ‘pop’.
Bases l metal oxides, metal hydroxides and metal carbonates
metal oxide / metal hydroxide reacting with an acid form water and a salt by neutralisation.
metal carbonate reactingwith an acid. form salt, carbon dioxide and water by neutralisation
test for carbon dioxide Limewater goes milky if carbon dioxide is bubbled through it.
Sequence to make copper sulfate Sulphuric acid. Add copper oxide powder. Add powder until unreacted copper oxide is left. Filter & remove unreacted copper oxide. Transfer filtrate to evaporating basin. Heat basin gently. When third of water evaporates, leave to cool. Examine crystals.
Created by: johncl
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