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6th grade science

earth science

minerals naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and a crystal structure
luster the way light is reflected off the surface of a mineral
streak the color of the mineral in powder form
geology The study of the surface of Earth
silicate mineral a mineral made of the elements silicon and oxygen
nonsilicate mineral a mineral that does not contain the elements silicon or oxygen
Cleavage property of a mineral that breaks in smooth straight lines
Fracture Property of a mineral that breaks along uneven surfaces
Hardness The resistance of a mineral to being scratched
Igneous Rock rock that forms from the cooling of magma or lava
Extrusive igneous rock that forms quickly on Earth's surface
Intrusive igneous rock that forms slowly under Earth's crust
Magma molten rock found under the crust
Lava molten rock found above Earth's surface
Sedimentary Rock rock that forms from the layering and compacting of sediment
Weathering the breaking apart of rock
Erosion the movement of rock by wind, water, ice, or gravity
deposition when sediment falls out of motion
compaction sediments are piled together into layers
cementation layers of sediment are glued and cemented together
Metamorphic Rock Rock that forms from changes caused by heat and pressure
foliated Metamorphic rock that has visible lines or bands
non foliated Metamorphic rock that does not have visible lines or bands
organic sedimentary sedimentary rock made from once living material, such as coal.
clastic sedimentary sedimentary rock formed from the compaction of sediment of all sizes
chemical sedimentary sedimentary rock that forms from the evaporation of salt water
Fossil evidence of past life
Extinct the death of every member of a species
Index Fossil fossil of an organism that only lived a short time. used to find relative age
Cast An exact copy of the original organism
Mold a hollow imprint in rock
relative dating the age of rock compared to other rocks
absolute dating the exact age of rock
paleontology the study of fossils
Geologic Time Scale the record of all life, and geological events in Earth's history
Uniformitarianism "the present is the key to the past" what happens now, happened a long time ago in the same way
Catastrophism Earth changed because of sudden chaotic events
unconformity a missing or incomplete rock layer
Law of Superposition younger rocks are at the top, older rocks at the bottom
Geologic Column complete set of rock layers that geologists use to study the past
Original Horizontality sedimentary rock forms in horizontal layers
Petrification minerals replace all or part of an organism
Radioactive Isotopes unstable atoms scientists study to find absolute age
Natural Resources Any material from Earth used by humans
Renewable Resource a natural resource that can be replaced as quickly as it is used
Non-Renewable Resource a resource that forms at a much slower rate than it is used.
Fossil Fuels nonrenewable energy made from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
Biomass energy organic material that is used as a source of energy
Hydroelectric Energy electrical energy produced by falling water
Solar Energy energy received by the Earth from the sun
Geothermal Energy energy produced from the heat within the earth
Nuclear Energy energy released by a fission or fusion reaction of atoms
Wind Energy the use of a windmill to drive an electric generator
Conservation to save or use less resources
crust thin and solid outermost layer of the earth
mantle layer of molten rock between the crust and the core
core center part of the earth below the mantle
asthenosphere the soft layer of the mantle on which tectonic plates move
lithosphere the solid outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
oceanic crust the thin dense basalt crust found under the oceans
continental crust the thick less dense granite crust that makes up the continents
continental drift hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass , broke up, and since drifted apart
plate tectonics theory that explains how large pieces of Earth's outermost layer, called tectonic plates, move and change shape
sea floor spreading the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises toward the surface and solidifies
mid-ocean ridge the long under sea mountain chain that forms along the floor of the major oceans at divergent boundaries
subduction the process by which more dense crust is pulled underneath the less dense crust and into the mantle
convergent boundary the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
divergent boundary the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
transform boundary the boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past each other
ocean trench a steep long depression in the deep sea floor that runs parallel to a chain of volcanic islands
convection current the movement of matter due to difference in temperature and density
folded mountains mountain building by the bending of rock layers due to stress
weathering The breaking down of rock
mechanical weathering The breaking of rock by physical means
Chemical Weathering The breaking of rock by chemical means
Abrasion Rocks hitting and breaking other rocks
Ice Wedging cycle of freezing and thawing water that breaks rock
Acid Precipitation rain and snow that contains higher than normal levels of acid
Soil mixture of weathered rocks, water, air, and organic material
Topsoil Found in Horizon A of the soil horizons. Most nutritious soil layer
Subsoil Found in Horizon B of the soil horizons. contains humus.
Parent material Found in horizon C of the soil horizons. Contains weathered rock
Humus the organic material that gives soil its fertility
Bedrock the layer of solid rock at the bottom of the soil horizons
Loam a mixture of sand, silt, and clay. Best soil type for plant growth
Sand The largest soil particle
Silt The mid-sized soil particle
Clay The smallest soil particle
glacier a huge sheet of ice that moves slowly over land.
permeability a rock or soil's ability to allow water and air to move through it
salt water water that contains salt. Found in the Oceans.
fresh water Water that contains no salt.
water cycle the process that moves water from Earth's surface, to the atmosphere and back again
groundwater water that soaks into the soil
water vapor the gaseous form of water
evaporation process of changing a liquid into a gas
transpiration evaporation through a plant
condensation process of changing a gas back into a liquid
precipitation liquid water that falls back down to the surface
runoff Precipitation that falls over land
hydrology the study of water
irrigation using artificial methods of watering crops
salinity amount of salt in water
sodium chloride table salt- most abundant salt in the ocean
continental shelf Part of the ocean floor that begins at the shore, and slopes toward the ocean
continental slope Part of the ocean floor that begins at the edge of the shelf, and extends to the flatter part of the deep ocean floor
seamount underwater mountain
volcanic island a seamount that has grown taller than the water level
Mid Ocean Ridge underwater mountain range that forms on either side of a divergent boundary
Abyssal Plain the huge, dark, flat region of the ocean floor
Trench V-shaped valley at the bottom of the ocean floor
Crest The top of a wave
Trough the bottom of a wave
wavelength the distance between two wave crests
upwelling movement of deep, cold and nutrient rich water to the surface
surface current horizontal movement of ocean water caused by wind
deep current a streamlike movement of ocean water far below the surface
Coriolis Effect the curving path of winds and ocean currents due to the rotation of Earth
tides a rise or fall of ocean water
spring tide tide of increased range that occurs at a new moon and full moon
neap tide a tide of minimal range that occurs at a first and third quarter moon
atmosphere a mixture of gases that surrounds a planet or moon
air pressure the measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface
Troposphere the lowest layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature drops at a constant rate as altitude increases; the part of the atmosphere where weather conditions exist
Stratosphere the layer of the atmosphere that lies between the troposphere and the mesosphere and in which temperature increases as altitude increases; contains the ozone layer
Mesosphere the coldest layer of the atmosphere, between the stratosphere and the thermosphere, in which temperature decreases as altitude increases
Thermosphere the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, in which temperature increases as altitude increases; includes the ionosphere
Convection the movement of matter due to differences in density that are caused by temperature variations; can result in the transfer of energy as heat
Greenhouse Effect the warming of the surface and lower atmosphere of Earth that occurs when carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other gases in the air absorb and reradiate infrared radiation
Global Warming a gradual increase in the average global temperature that is due to a higher concentration of gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Wind the movement of air caused by differences in air pressure
Polar Easterlies prevailing winds that blow from east to west between 60° and 90° latitude in both hemispheres
Prevailing Westerlies prevailing winds that blow from west to east between 30° and 60° latitude in both hemispheres
Trade Winds prevailing winds that blow from east to west from 30° latitude to the equator in both hemispheres
Jet Stream a narrow band of strong winds that blow in the upper troposphere
Weather the short-term state of the atmosphere, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, and visibility
Relative Humidity the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to the amount of water vapor needed to reach saturation at a given temperature
Cloud a collection of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air, which forms when the air is cooled and condensation occurs
Cumulus a low-level, billowy cloud that commonly has a top that resembles cotton balls and a dark bottom
Cumulonimbus Thunderstorm Cloud
cirrus a feathery cloud that is composed of ice crystals and that has the highest altitude of any cloud in the sky
stratus a gray cloud that has a flat, uniform base and that commonly forms at very low altitudes
Global wind Prevailing winds that blow across the entire globe
local wind Wind that blows short distances between different geographical features
sea breeze Local wind that blows from water toward land
land breeze local wind that blows from land to the sea
air mass a large body of air throughout which temperature and moisture content are similar
front the boundary between air masses of different densities and usually different temperatures
cyclone an area in the atmosphere that has lower pressure than the surrounding areas and has winds that spiral toward the center
anticyclone the rotation of air around a high-pressure center in the direction opposite to Earth's rotation
thunderstorm a usually brief, heavy storm that consists of rain, strong winds, lightning, and thunder
lightning an electric discharge that takes place between two oppositely charged surfaces, such as between a cloud and the ground, between two clouds, or between two parts of the same cloud
thunder the sound caused by the rapid expansion of air along an electrical strike
tornado a destructive, rotating column of air that has very high wind speeds and that may be visible as a funnel-shaped cloud
hurricane a severe storm that develops over tropical oceans and whose strong winds of more than 120 km/h spiral in toward the intensely low-pressure storm center
thermometer an instrument that measures and indicates temperature
anemometer an instrument used to measure wind speed
barometer an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure
cold front the front edge of a moving mass of cold air that pushes beneath a warmer air mass like a wedge
warm front the front edge of an advancing warm air mass that replaces colder air with warmer air
stationary front a front of air masses that moves either very slowly or not at all
occluded front a front that forms when a cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass and lifts the warm air mass off the ground and over another air mass
Astronomy the scientific study of the universe
Ptolemy Greek philosopher who came up with the geocentric theory
Copernicus Polish Astronomer who came up with the heliocentric theory
Geocentric Theory of the solar system that has the Earth in the center
Heliocentric Theory of the solar system that has the Sun in the center
Tycho Brahe Astronomer who studied the solar system for 20 years. Made many important observations.
Johannes Kepler Astronomer who discovered the planetary laws of motion. Planets move in elliptical orbits
Galileo Copernicus's prodigy- made first observations with a telescope to support the heliocentric theory
Issac Newton Discovered the laws of gravity and inertia
Edwin Hubble discovered that there are other galaxies beyond our own.
Light year the distance that light travels in one year; about 9.46 trillion kilometers
Galaxy a collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
Nebula a large cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space; a region in space where stars are born
Cosmology the study of the origin, properties, processes, and evolution of the universe
Big Bang Theory the theory that all matter and energy in the universe was compressed into an extremely small volume that 13 billion to 15 billion years ago exploded and began expanding in all directions
Year the time required for the Earth to orbit once around the sun
Month a division of the year that is based on the orbit of the moon around the Earth
day the time required for Earth to rotate once on its axis
rotation the spin of a body on its axis
revolution the motion of a body that travels around another body in space; one complete trip along an orbit
orbit the path that a body follows as it travels around another body in space
telescope an instrument that collects electromagnetic radiation from the sky and concentrates it for better observation
terrestrial planet one of the highly dense planets nearest to the sun; Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth
Gas Gaint a planet that has a deep, massive atmosphere, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune
satellite a natural or artificial body that revolves around a planet
moon phases in astronomy, the change in the illuminated area of one celestial body as seen from another celestial body; phases of the moon are caused by the changing positions of the Earth, the sun, and the moon
solar eclipse the passing of the moon between Earth and the sun; during a solar eclipse, the shadow of the moon falls on Earth
lunar eclipse the passing of the moon through the Earth's shadow at full moon
comet a small body of ice, rock, and cosmic dust that follows an elliptical orbit around the sun and that gives off gas and dust in the form of a tail as it passes close to the sun
asteroid a small, rocky object that orbits the sun; most asteroids are located in a band between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
Asteroid belt the region of the solar system that is between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and in which most asteroids orbit
Meteoroid a relatively small, rocky body that travels through space
Meteorite a meteoroid that reaches the Earth's surface without burning up completely
Meteor a bright streak of light that results when a meteoroid burns up in Earth's atmosphere
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the agency of the U.S. federal government that was established in 1958 to conduct all nonmilitary space activities
space shuttle a reusable space vehicle that takes off like a rocket and lands like an airplane
space station a long-term orbiting platform from which other vehicles can be launched or scientific research can be carried out
Earthquakes a movement or trembling of the ground that is caused by a sudden release of energy when rocks along a fault move
Seismic Waves a vibration in rock that travels out from the focus of an earthquake in all directions; seismic waves can also be caused by explosions
Volcanoes a vent or fissure in the Earth's surface through which magma and gases are expelled
Epicenter the point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s starting point, or focus
vent an opening at the surface of the Earth through which volcanic material passes
Magnitude a measure of the strength of an earthquake
inorganic not made of once living materials
Created by: paulkscience
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