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Ch. 4 Ecosystems

Ecosystems in Balance

When organisms work against each other to get what they need, there is _________ competition
A __________ forest is most common in the U.S. temperate
Every organism in an ecosystem has it own role, called a ________. niche
Organisms that can't adapt,________. perish
Organisms become ___________ when there are very few of their kind left. endangered
The shape of a bird's beak and a giraffe's long neck are examples of _________. adaptation
Some animals are hard to see because their _______ matches their surroundings. camouflage
An animal that protects itself by looking like a predator is an example of __________. mimicry
Dinosaurs are _______ animals. extinct
Why do a goose and an eagle have such different feet? feet are adapted to do different tasks.
What kind of beak is good for eating nectar from flowers? long, curved beak
Which is an example of competition? Many cacti in a small space, an owl and a lizard, a bird and a flower, or a rabbit and a leaf? many cacti in a small space
What do endangered California Condors face if they are not protected? extinction
What is one way that we endanger animals? We clear rain forests
What does a tigers striped coat help it do? sneak up on prey
A volcano buries a large forest in ashes. What will happen first as the forest recovers? small plants will start to grow under the ash
How do a giraffe and antelope avoid competition? They have different niches
What type of plant will be healthier in the rain forest? plant that needs lots of water
Why does an Alaskan Husky dog have thick fur? help it survive in the cold winters of Alaska
Why do birds feathers change depending on the season? change colors to blend in with their environment as the seasons change.
Created by: CPS3rd



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