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Unit III Study Guide

Unit III study guide

First president of the Republic of Texas Sam Houston
Inventor of the mechanical reaper Cyrus McCormick
Mexican president / Dictator General Santa Anna
He coined the term "Manifest Destiny" John O'Sullivan
General sent to provoke a war with Mexico Zachary Taylor
Example of a "Mountain Man" that helped explore the West Kit Carson
Inventor of the steel-tipped plow John Deere
Mormon leader who led his people westward Brigham Young
U.S. president most associated with Manifest Destiny James K. Polk
Whig candidate for the election of 1844 Henry Clay
This territory was divided with Britain Oregon Territory
This territory was independent before joining the U.S. Texas
This was the last land acquired to make up the 48 contiguous states Gadsden Purchase
Purchased from Spain in 1819 Florida
First land added to the United States Louisiana
Texas gained its independence from this nation Mexico
Oregon territory was divided at this latitude Southern 49th Parallel
Treaty that ended the Mexican-American War Guadeloupe Hidalgo
This author protested the Mexican-American War as unjust in his essays on Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau
Term: A candidate who unexpectedly wins nomination of their party Dark Horse
Mexico was forced to recognize this river as the border with Texas Rio Grande River
This law granted 160 acres for $10 to help promote western settlement Homestead Act
The slogan "Fifty-four forty or fight!" referred to U.S. desire to acquire this territory Oregon Territory
Gold was discovered in this territory in 1848, igniting a rush of settlers California (Sutter's Mill)
Voters of the territory decide on the issue of slavery Popular Sovereignty
Position of most southern democrats on slavery Pro-Slavery
Against slavery everywhere Abolition
No slavery in the territories but leave it where it existed Free soil
Case that stated Congress could not limit slavery in the territories Dred Scott v. Stanford
Used popular sovereignty to decide slavery in the Mexican Cessian Compromise of 1850
No slavery in the L.A. Territory above 36 degrees 30 minutes latitude Missouri Compromise
Used popular sovereignty in the Louisiana Territory Kansas - Nebraska Act
Proposed restoring the terms of the MIssouri Compromise for all the territories in order to avoid war. Rejected by the Republicans Crittenden Compromise
Slave who sued for his freedom in court but lost Dred Scott
Northern democrat who proposed the Kansas - Nebraska Act Stephen Douglass
Abolitionist and author of Uncle Tom's Cabin Hariet Beecher Stowe
Abolitionist who led a raid on the Harper's Ferry arsenal to arm slaves John Brown
Republican candidate and winner of the 1860 election Abraham Lincoln
Party that was completely opposed to slavery Liberty Party
Party that most supported the expansion of slavery Democratic Party
Party that was primarily anti-immigrant (Nativist) The Know Nothings
Had a free soil position on slavery and formed to opposed the Kansas - Nebraska Act Republican Party
Most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850 for the North Fugitive Slave Law
Doctrine of Stephen Douglass who attempted to say that slavery could be limited in the territories despite the Dred Scott decision Freeport Doctrine
Seven southern states seceded from the Union shortly after this event Election of Abraham Lincoln
Union general associated with "Total War" and the "March To The Sea" through Georgia William T. Sherman
Became president after Lincoln's assassination and later impeached Andrew Johnson
Commanding Union general who led the North to victory Later became president Ulysses S. Grant
Republican candidate in 1876 became president in exchange for ending reconstruction Rutherford B. Hayes
Commanding general of the Confederate Army Rober E. Lee
Coutious Union general. Was replaced. Ran against Lincoln in 1864 George McClellan
President of the Confederate states of America Jefferson Davis
Term for northerners who came to the South for office of profit during Reconstruction Carpet Baggers
Term for members of Lincoln's party who wanted to abolish slavery and punish the south Radical Republican
Term for white southerners who cooperated with Reconstruction Scallawags
Term for northern Democrats in the North who wanted to make peace with the south Peace Democrats (Copperheads)
Where the southern surrender ended the war Court of Appomattox
Turning point battle due to the number of confederate casualties Gettysburg
This battle completed Union capture of the Mississippi River Vicksburg
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamations after this battle Antietam
First battle between northern and southern armies Bull Run
Term: Drafting men into the military Conscription
Term: Separation of the races Segrigation
Term: Granting a pardon, forgiving a crime Amnesty
Term: Right to be confronted with evidence of the crime or be released Habeus Corpus
Lincoln's plan for Reconstructions was harsh or lenient ? Lenient
Which side in the Civil War emphasized states rights? South / Confederate
The ORIGINAL purpose of the war fro the North was to ... Preserve the Union
The ... had more resources and material advantages in the war North
His vision of the "New South" meant building factories like the North Henry Grady
The northern military strategy during the war was called ... Anaconda Plan
Amendment gave African - Americans citizenship. Protects vivil rights Fourteenth (14)
... gave half their harvest as rent for the land Sharcroppers
... tests were used to deny suffrage to the freedman after the war Literacy
This event marked the end of Congressional Reconstruction Compromise of 1877
This 1896 decision upheld Jim Crow Laws enforcing segregation Civil Rights Cases (Plessy v. Ferguesson)
Amendment that granted suffrage to African - American males Fifteenth (15)
Term for slave states that remained in the Union Border states
The first 7 southern states seceded after this event Election of Abraham Lincoln
"With malice towards none" best represented this politician's view for Reconstruction Abraham Lincoln
The south's attempt to get help from Europe during the war is called Cotton Diplomacy
Law passed to try to prevent President Johnson from firing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton Tenure of office act
Scandal of Grant's presidency involving transcontinental railroad Credit Mobilier
Passage of these laws in southern states during Johnson's administration led to Radical Reconstruction Black Codes
Created by: amethystMT9611
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