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Pulm 6 (Pleural dz)


What are the Ws of post-op fever? water(UTI), walking(DVT), wound, wonder drugs(abx), wind(pneumonia), wein(thrombophlebitis), and sinusitis
Which type of lung CA is associated with hypercalcemia? squamous cell
A pt presents to the ER after an MVA with HTN, bradycardia, and abnormal respirations. After ABCs, what is the next step in the management? Cushings triad(increased ICP). Next step is to raise the HOB, hyperventilate, mannitol, consult neurosurgery
What study can help you determine whether pleural effusion is locuated or free-flowing in the thorax? upright CXR and lateral decubitus CXR
A pt. presents to the ER in respiratory distress following a MVA. CXR shows pleural effusion. What is the next step in the management of this patient? place a chest tube.
What might cause a transudative pleural effusion? CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
What size PTX requires a chest tube placement? >15%
PCWP <18mmhg suggests _________. ARDS
What are the common causes of PTX? A CHEST IN: Asthma, CF, HIV, Emphysema, Spontaneous, Trauma, Iatrogenic, Neoplasm
What is the tx for obstructive sleep apnea? weight loss for overweight, avoidance of ETOH, CPAP, oral appliance to protrude the mandible forward or prevent posterior tongue displacement. If excessive daytime sleepiness give modafinil. Surgical options also exist.
A lung cancer pt is re-admitted to the hospital for dyspnea. He is found to have reaccumulation of his pleural effusion. What do you expect the pleural-to-serum protein and LDH ratios form the thoracentesis to be? P:S protein >0.5, P:S LDH >0.6 (SU table 2-13, page 49)
A lung cancer pt is re-admitted to the hospital for dyspnea. He is found to have reaccumulation of his pleural effusion. What do you expect the pleural fluids protein content to be? pleural fluid protein >3g/dL (SU table 2-13, page 49)
What medication is used prior to intubation in head injury patients? lidocaine
What substance should be avoided in pts with obstructive sleep apnea? sedatives (BDZ, ETOH, antihistamines)
What anatomic locations are options for immediate needle decompression of a tension PTX? 2nd/3rd ICS in midclavicular line and 4th/5th ICS in Midaxillary line
Created by: shelybel
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