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NutriTest3 Vitamins

1-25 Fat Soluble & 26-41 Water Soluble

Type of tissue most affected by a deficiency of vitamin A Epithelial
Vitamin that is often referred to as a hormone. Vitamin D
Pure vitamin A found only in animal foods- i.e. liver Retinol
Chemical name for vitamin E Tocopherol
Vitamin synthesized from bacteria in colon Vitamin K
Primary function of vitamin D Aids in the absorption of calcium & phosphorus
Condition that causes blindness due to insufficient vitamin A Xerophathalmia
Best food sources for vitamin E Vegetable oils
Best food sources for vitamin K Leafy greens i.e. cabbage, kale
Associated w/ elimination of bone disorder known as rickets vitamin D fortified milk
Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin E is expressed in this term milligrams
Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin A,D, & K micrograms
Substances needed for absorption of fat soluble vitamins bile, pancreatic lipase, dietary fat
A cause of night blindness deficiency of vitamin A
Acts as an antagonist to vitamin K antibiotics & anti-clotting drugs
Organs involved with synthesizing vitamin D skin, liver & kidney
a primary function of vitamin K blood clotting
a primary function of vitamin E antioxidant
the vitamins most association with toxic effects if consumed in excess vitamins A & D
provitamin of vitamin A found in plant pigments such as carrots beta carotene
a substance that may hinder the production of vitamin D sunscreen
protects polyunsaturated fats vitamin E
Vitamin E has a partnership with this mineral selenium
Vitamin A prevents dry cells or the development of this process Keratinization
Foods that are commonly fortified with Vitamin D Milk and Margarine
Clinical concerns associated with lack of B12 pernicious anemia & neurological degeneration
Synthesized by intestinal microorganisms biotin
Amino acid that precursor for niacin tryptophan
Skin disorder Pellagra associated with lack of niacin
Primary function of vitamin C form collagen
Deficiency disease associated with a lack of thaimin (B1) beriberi
Vitamin associated with megaloblastic anemia & spina bifida folate
Aids in wound healing, tissue formation, fever reduction vitamin C
Vitamin that is associated with hemoglobin formation pyridoxine (B6)
Intrinsic factor needed for B12 absorption
Disease associated with a lack of vitamin C scurvy
Important role of Pyridoxine or B6 co-enzyme role in protein metabolism
Vitamin associated with carbohydrate metabolism thiamin (B1)
Antagonist to folate chemotherapy
Food that is a good source of Riboflavin (B2) milk
Vitamin found only in animal foods B12
Created by: casiejulie
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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