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Anatomical Landmarks


Midspinal line Runs in the midline overlying the spinous processes of the entire vertebral column from occiput to the coccyx.
What is deviated in scoliosis? Midspinal line. Makes an S.
Paravertebral line Corresponds to the tips of transverse processes of the vertebral column. Relevant in diagnosing somatic dysfunction.
Cervical line vs Thoracocolumbar line Cervical line is more medial.
Line of the angle of the ribs Only in thoracic cage. Two inches lateral to paravertebral line. Corresponds with ribs. Most medial point where you can palpate the rib.
Jugular Notch Level of T2. Hole above the sternum.
Costo Rib
Chondro Cartillage
Sternal Angle Top of sternum where it angles.
Costochondral Junctions Where the rib meets cartillage, stops being bone.
Costosternal junctions Where rib meets sternum. Only 7 make way to sternum. First 6. 7-10 all fuse before they get there into cartillage.
Costoclavicular space Space under the clavicle
Sternoclavicular joint Sternum meets clavicle
Acromioclavicular Joint Acromion attaches to other end of clavicle.
Coracoid Process Process above the armpit
Greater Tubercle of Humerus outer part of humerus head.
Lesser tubercle of Humerus Inner part of humerus head.
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine The hip bone that you can feel. Furthest out.
Pubic Symphysis Connection of the two parts of the hip. in the middle, under genitalia
Greater trochanter of femur Highest part of femur.
Transverse process of L5 top of the hip
External auditory meatus Earhole
Angle of Mandible Where mandible changes direction. Back of Jaw
Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus Meets the elbow
Radial Head In anatomical position, the bone that is lateral in the arm.
Olecranon process Bony prominence on elbow
Antecubital fossa Space when you bend your elbow
Anterior body line bottom of sternum
posterior body line opposite the anterior body line
Cervical lordosis Curved. bulging out front.
Thoracic Kyphosis Curved so back goes out back.
Lumbar Lordisis Sacral curve. goes inwards.
Sacral Kyphosis above the buttcrack.
Popliteal fossa Fossa in knee
Lateral Malleolus Lateral bump on ankle. Part of fibula.
Medial Malleolus Medial bump on ankle. Part of tibia.
Fibular Head Proximal Part.
Fibula/Tibia Tibia is Bigger. Fibula is smaller. Fibula is lateral. Tibia is medial.
Radius/Ulna In Anatomical Position, Radius is lateral, ulna is medial.
Mid Gravitational Line Shows someones center of gravity. These structures should all line up. Lateral Malleolus, Lateral Epicondyle of humerus, Greater tubercle of humerus, External Auditory Meatus, Greater trochanter of femur,
Shifting structures in reference to mid gravitational line Will push center of gravity towards the way you are shifting structure.
External Occipal Protuberance Inion. Bump on back of head.
Vertebra Prominens usually c7. Big bump when you go down spine.
Spinous Process of T1 Right below c7 aka vertebra prominens
Spine of scapula Level of t3. part of scapula that is prominent.
Medial border of scapula Border closest to the middle of the spine
Inferior angle of scapula Level of T7. Bottom Top of spine.
Lateral Body Line most lateral part of trunk. your side.
Iliac Crest Level of L4. about elbow height. Can feel on sides.
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine Level of S2. in the butt.
Ischial Tuberosity bottom of butt
Gluteal Fold Buttcrack
Achiles tendon Back of foot
Sacral Landmarks Inferior Lateral Angle of the Sacrum. Sacral Sulcus (depth between PSIS and sacral base).
Glabella Forehead
Zygomatic Arch Cheek bone under eye.
Vomer Bone under nose
Symphysis Menti Chin. Where the two sides meet.
Ramus of mandible furthest portion back of mandible. above the angle.
Pterion Temple
Zygomatic Arch Cheekbone extension towards the ear
Mental Protuberance Chin
Maxilla Upper Jaw
Occiput Base of skull, meets Inion
Temporal Bone Where ear is. houses inner ear
Parietal bone Superior to massiter muscle. can flex by clenching massiter
frontal bone forehead
temporomandibular joint right in front of ear. the zygomatic arch and the mandible meet here.
Created by: nady
Popular Osteopathic Principl sets




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