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Quiz Friday 5/17

Great Depression, FDR, world wars

Why did the US enter WW1 Sinking of the Lusitania, Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917, Propaganda Campaigns, The Zimmerman Telegram
What is the purpose of the Securities Exchange Commission? Regulate stock market
What changed the role of women during WW1 Margaret Sanger continued her work for birth control, others began to work for the equal amendments. They got more rights while men were at war.
Mass Consumption Assembly line made production go quickly, making a lot of products quickly and making a huge profit on it. (Ex. Model T car by Ford)
What were the regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act? 40 hour work week, minimum wage, child labor.
What did the Social Security Act establish? Old age insurance, unemployment insurance, benefits for the disabled.
Explain how FDR’s policies helped increase union membership in the U.S.? Wagner act legally recognized unions.
What was prohibition? Temperance reformers wanted to end the sale, Consumption and creation of alcohol.
What did the Espionage and Sedition Acts do? Imposed harsh penalties on anyone interfering with or speaking against US participation in World War I.
What was the result of prohibition? Made organized crime more frequent- bootleggers making illegal sales of alcohol, beginning speakeasy (secret bars), gave gangs more money and the federal gov lost money as a result
What was the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson? Providing for separate railway carriages for the white and colored races.
Was the US Neutral during WWI Wilson claimed neutrality but secretly were helping France and England.
List causes of WWI. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and Alliances.
What event sparked WWI? When Archduke Ferdinand was Assassinated.
What was required of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles? Had to pay war reparations.
List nations of the Triple Entente. Great Britain, France, Russia
What was the Supreme Court’s ruling in Schenck vs. U.S.? The freedom of speech, could be limited only if the words in the circumstances created "a clear and present danger.
What is the purpose of the Selective Service Act? Authorized the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I through the compulsory enlistment of people.
What factors led to the industrial boom of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s? Wealth of natural resources, government support for business and a growing urban population.
Explain vertical integration. In order to increase efficiency and limit competition.
Describe the Sherman Anti Trust Act. A law that forbade trusts of combinations in business.
List new technologies of WWI. Poison gas, trench warfare, machine guns, airplanes, submarines, and tanks.
What was the Great Migration? Post civil war, African Americans moved up north for better opportunities/better pay.
Describe the Harlem Renaissance. Was an African American cultural movement- start of Jazz era, art fashion, theater. Result of Great Migration: Widespread migration of African Americans 6 million moved to the north.
What did the 18th Amendment do? Ban alcohol- The sell transport or manufacture of intoxicating beverages illegal
What did the 19th Amendment do? Gave women the right to vote (1919)
List all effects of the Great Depression. Unemployment, Factories cut back on production, bank failures.
What is Direct Relief? Money or food given directly from the government to the needy.
What happened on Oct. 29, 1929 and what is it known as? The stock market crashed resulting in the start of the Great Depression.
Primary causes of the Depression? Banks, federal reserve raising interest rates, buying on margin/credit, debt, and overproduction.
Why were Germans discriminated against during WW1? Because the United States was at war with Germany, some people were concerned German-Americans would sympathize with Germany instead of the United States.
How did entering the war helped to end the Great Depression? They provided jobs for many people.
How did the voting pattern change for African Americans? FDR's programs convinced African Americans to vote democrat.
How did Roosevelt take charge at the beginning of his presidency? He immediately started making plans to fix the Great Depression.
How did buying on margin contribute to the stock market crash? People were buying stocks with money they did not have
What results of the New Deal are in affect today? They still apply today in government.
How did Hoover and Roosevelt approach the problem of the Great Depression? Hoover kept making things worse, but Roosevelt tried very hard to improve the situation, and he did.
What where the 5 main causes of the Depression? Buying on Margin, Losing jobs, Businesses went bankrupt, Banks went bankrupt, and the Crash of 1929.
List three examples of how FDR dealt with the Great Depression? He made the New Deal, the Second New Deal, and he encouraged the three R's. Made many reform and added legislation to help the American people.
What are 5 specific ways Americans were affected by the Depression? They lost their jobs, food, houses, they were poor and they had no money.
What are four lasting affects of the Great Depression? The New Deal still applies today in government, the Depression led to World War 2, the Depression made people value money more, and World War 2 provided jobs.
What are the 3 R's of Roosevelt's plan? Relief, Recovery, and Reforms.
When did the Great Depression take place? The 1930's.
Who did the Americans blame most for the Great Depression? Herbert Hoover
Effect of the Dust Bowl on the Great Depression destroying crops, reducing demand, and contributing to other economic hardships.
Did African Americans support the Republicans or the Democrats? The Democrats.
21st amendment Repeal of 18th amendment (prohibition) made the use, sale, and manufacturing of alcohol legal again.
22nd amendment No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice
Rosie the Riveter Cultural allegorical poster, represents the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II, many of whom produced munitions and war supplies.
Created by: esantos4780
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