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Honors History Semester 2 Exam Review VOCAB ONLY

nationalism the idea that your country is better than others
generational trauma trauma that extends from one generation to the next
settlement house a center in an underprivileged area that provides community services
Social Gospel Movement Religious reform that occurred as a direct result of fixing negative impacts of rapid social changes; main focus was to improve society using God's teachings of charity & justice
scientific management Used to make the production of goods more economically efficient for both product and labor; AKA Taylorism; mass production is time efficient
backlash A strong reaction by a large number of people to social or political change
Social Darwinism "Scientific Theory" Applies theory of evolution to people, races, & cultures; Belief that Anglo-Saxon / Nordic cultures are superior
Eugenics Selection of desirable heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations
indigenous Native to a particular country
Imperialism Possession of people in multiple territories that create resources to fight for/over, as well as possible soldiers
racial consciousness Awareness of being identified by race
bull market strong economic market Stock prices consistently rise over a long period of time. If you bought shares of a stock at a low price, chances are your shares would gain in value
bear market slowing market gains
stock speculation Practice of making high-risk investments in the hope of retaining large profits
muckrakers a journalist who wrote articles, stories, or novels to dramatize the need for social reform
temperance movement dedicated to promoting moderation and, more often, complete abstinence in the use of intoxicating liquor
suffrage right to vote
fascism System of gov led by a dictator; Uses force to suppress opponents / critics; Emphasizes aggressive nationalism, xenophobia, and racism
America First Committee Opposed WW2 involvement; did not want to aid Allies
rationing allow each person to have only a fixed amount of a particular commodity
genocide The intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group
antisemitism Hatred of Jews as a group or Jews as a concept
Kristallnacht Coordinated attacks by Nazis in Germany & Austria to kill Jews & destroy property (1938) "Night of Broken Glass"
Dawes Act "An act to provide for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on various reservations" (1887)
Meat Inspection Act Inspection of meat before, during & after slaughter (1906)
Pure Food and Drug Act Truth in labeling (1906)
War Powers Act Gave President Nixon full power to make any law during time of war
National Defense Act gave money to the military to expand the size of the Army (1916)
Selective Service Act Congress gave the President the power to activate a military draft in times of war to ensure that the military was appropriate for the need
Espionage Act Passed 2 months after WWI began to head off possible Acts of sabotage - aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment, causing insubordination in the armed forces; screen mail for treason
Sedition Act Took Espionage Act elements / specifically targeted speech that criticized the draft & the war effort
Alien Act ** Expel non-American born
Reichstag Fire Decree Police could arrest and imprison anyone without probable cause; suspended / restricted freedoms
Enabling Act Allowed Hitler to enact laws w/out approval of Parliament or President Paul von Hindenburg (1933)
Non-Aggression Pact Soviet Union & Germany agree to attack & share Poland (1939); Now allies, Hitler wants to avoid 2-front war; AKA Molotov-Ribbentrop Compact
Neutrality Acts Act as safeguards to prevent the U.S. from being dragged into another Euro-conflict; cash and carry policy; no traveling to Europe
Jane Addams Settlement houses for poor; social work / won Nobel prize; Activist to improve conditions for the poor
Ida B. Wells Leading Civil Rights activist of Progressive Era; Illegal lynchings ban
Alice Paul National Women's Party; suffragist movement; gained support for 19th Amendment (no discrimination of voters based on sex)
William McKinley "Moral Philosophy" - Christianize and civilize those who are not; American Imperialism = strong American economy (Progressive Era Pres.)
Theodore Roosevelt "Square Deal" / trustbuster - regulated corporations / the Protector - Meat Inspection Act
William Howard Taft "Dollar Diplomacy" / not successful b/c of political corruption led to party split; continued imperialism & trust busting; served all 3 branches
Woodrow Wilson President during WWI
Warren G. Harding Blocked gov. regulation of banks & investment firms 1920s; "Return to Normalcy" after WW1 - more "hands-off" gov.
Calvin Coolidge Helped non-wealthy Americans; anti-lynching; Enacted Indian Citizenship Act 1924; rejected helping farmers; anti-union
Herbert Hoover No reaction to the Great Depression; individualism; ordered the demolition of camps
Franklin Roosevelt President during WW2
Harry Truman The president that made the decision to drop the bombs on Japan
Joseph Stalin *Russian leader
Adolf Hitler Nazi leader; antisemitism
Winston Churchill Restore British colonies in Asia and the Pacific; former prime minister of the UK from 1874 to January 1965
Jim Crow legalized racial discrimination / segregation
Bonus Army 1924 Congress voted to provide "Bonus" for WWI veterans; demands early payment
Fireside Chats series of radio broadcasts made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the nation, beginning in 1933.
Zimmerman Note military contract between the German Empire and Mexico if the United States entered World War I against Germany
Executive Order 9066 Granted the military the power to ban American citizens of Japan ancestry from a 50-60 mile-wide coastal area from Washington state to California
"New Negro" renewed cultural pride for African Americans during Harlem Renaissance
Office of War Info. Mobilized advertising industry; Gain civilian support
War Bonds a debt security issued by a government to finance military operations during times of war or conflict.
self-determination Choosing political aspects without external influence
Dollar Diplomacy Expand American investments abroad
Square Deal Keep wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners & the poor
Created by: lexi.welte
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