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OM Acronyms

MC and OM specific abbreviations

CSS Centralized Support Specialist
CSM Centralized Support Manager
CTS Content and Training Specialist
MA Membership Advisor
MRS Medical Records Specialists
ATT Advanced Task Team
WFM Workforce Management
OMS One Medical Seniors
PSR Provider Support Room
VMT Virtual Medical Team
QA Quality Assurance
AC Aston Carter
OM Office Manager
SL Shift Lead
MSS Member Support Specialist
IOP In-Office Provider
LSS Lab Services Specialist
OMD Office Medical Director
DMD District Medical Director
DM District Manager
ABN Advanced Beneficiary Notice
ACA Affordable Care Act
ALWD Insurance Allowed
AMF Annual Membership Fee
ANP Adult Nurse Practitioner
AWV Annual Wellness Visit
BA Business Associates
BAA Business Associates Agreement
BBPE Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure
BCBS BlueCross BlueShield
C-I-CARE Connect, Introduce, Communicate, Ask, Respond, Exit
CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine
CBS Central Billing Specialist
CE Covered Entities
COB Coordination of Benefits
CO45 CO Adjustment
COB Coordination of Benefits
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
DBP District Billing Partner
DNR Do not resuscitate
DO Doctor of Osteopathic Medical
DOE Description of Experience
DOS Date of Service
EBM Evidence-Based Medicine
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EOB Explanation of Benefits
ERA Electronic Remittance Advice
ESI Express Script Incorporated
FNP Family Nurse Practitioner
FSA Flexible Spending Accounts
FU or F/U Follow Up
HDHP High Ductable Health Plan
HHS U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HITECH Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
HP High Priority
HRA Health Risk Assessment
HSA Health Saving Accounts
ICN Claim number from the insurance
IOP In Office Providers
IP Insurance Payment
IPA Individual Practice Association
IUD Intrauterine Device
LARC Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Appointments
LSS Lab Service Specialists
MA Membership Advisor
MD Medical Doctor
MRRF Medical Records Release From
MSS Member Support Specialist (Front Desk)
NP Nurse Practitioner
OON Out of Network
OOP Out of Pocket
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OTL On the Line
OV Office Visit
PA-C “C” just means “Certifed”
PA Physician Assistant
PBM Pharmacy Benefits Manager
PCP Primary Care Provider
PSR Provider Support Room
PHI Protected Health Information
POA Power of attorney
PPE Personal Protection Equipment
PPO Preferred provider organization
PR Patient Balance or Responsibility
Pt Patient
r/s reschedule
TAT Turnaround Time
TMN Treat Me Now
VM Virtual Manager
VMT Virtual Medical Team
WHNP Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
XFR Transfer
Created by: edenrowe
Popular Medical sets




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