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Global Gov

Liberal World Order: When? What 4 organizations are involved? What does it mean? Name some of the core values. Post WW2, present cooperative (IMF, UN, WB, WTO) universal equality structure (democracy, prosperity, free trade, economic development, human equality/rights, law, and security cooperation)
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: What does it challenge? Why was it made? Challenges Bretton Woods + World Bank, has a bigger Chinese share
Balance of Power Theory: Define To prevent any power from becoming too strong
Bargaining Perspective: Name three areas 1. Lack of information 2. Commitment 3. Issue Indivisibility
Comparative Advantage: Define trading with a state who efficiently carries out an economic activity, lowering prices for other countries
Power Transition Theory: Define + Name two mechanisms 1. Status Quo Rule 2. Rising Power Commitment when rising power and status quo are equal in power, conflict occurs
World Trade Organization: What did it replace? Name two relevant things. Define non-tariffs and dumping Replaced GATT Added non-tarriff barriers (quotas, export subsidies, regulations, dumping, currrency manipulation) and has gridlock Dumping - selling a product at a lower price than production
World Bank: Define Provides loans/grants to middle/low income countries for capital projects
Civil War: Name 4 motivators and 3 resolutions M: 1. Grievance 2. Identity 3. Opportunity 4. State Capacity R: 1. Third Party Guarantee 2. Complex Power Sharing 3. Military Integration
International Monetary Fund: When? Define. What are the 3 goals? Post BW, for countries who have a lot of debt/no one will borrow from Goals: short term stability, long term growth, policy reforms
League of Nations: When? Two components Post WW1, required unanimous voting and failed to reign in countries like the US, Soviet Union, etc.
Hegemonic Stability Theory: Define. What term is relevant? The international system is most stable when a hegemon/dominant power exists * Prisoner's Dilemma (Cooperation)
Paris Climate Agreement: Define. How many years? What is the saying? It legally binded countries to have an NDC (nationally determined contribution) to climate change. They report back every 5 years. "1.5 to stay alive"
Gold Standard: When? Define. Pro (3) vs Con (1). Prior to Great Depression. It backed USD to gold/precious metals. PROS - no inflation, stable currency rates, international finance CONS - financial downturns
UNSC: Who? What does it prioritize? Give the state fraction. Who are the P5? How many votes per state? WW2 Allies. It prioritizes state sovereignty. 9/15. P5 = China, France, Russia, UK, and US. One vote each.
What is the Triad? land, submarine, and nuclear missiles.
Fixed vs Floating Rates. Define each. Name two pros and two cons of Fixed. What do most countries pick? Fixed - pegged to another country's currency - exchange rate stability - no autonomy - low inflation/interest rates - crisis risk * most choose intermediate
Name four qualities of statehood. 1. Territory 2. Population 3. Government 4. Recognition ?
Nuclear Proliferation: Vertical vs Horizontal, Force vs Value Vertical - Increasing one's own nuclear forces Horizontal - Increasing another's own nuclear forces Force - targeting another's military through nuclear means Value - target another's civillian population
Sovereignty States may do as they wish within their own borders War is the ultimate violation
Autonomous Monetary Policy Independece of a country to control its own supply
Sparta v Athens: Status Quo v Rising, Autocratic vs Democratic. Land vs Naval. Equal vs Subordinate allies Sparta: Status Quo, Autocratic, Land, Equal
Bretton Woods: When? Birthplace of 3? Define. Post Depression, Birthplace of GATT, IMF, WB Made USD to gold, other countries to USD
Financial Crisis: Name two causes and the key word. 1. Bad governmental policies 2. International Investor Panic * Contagion
Concert of Europe: When? Who (5)? How many years of peace? Post Napoleonic War. Great Powers (Austria, Britain, France, Prussia, Russia). 40 years of peace.
Constructivism vs Realism: Define. Key words. Name Logics of... Constructivism: state preferences based on social context (norms) * Logic of approperiateness Realism: state preferences based on institutions * Logic of consequences
Name 2 pros and 3 cons of International Trade PROS: greater access to capital and promise of economic growth CONS: loss of autonomy, winners/losers, economic crises
Democratic Peace Theory: Define with two mechanisms Democracies almost never go to war with each other 1. transparency 2. similar public opinion
Extended Deterrance: Define. A commitment to avoid or respond to potiential nuclear scenarios.
1st vs 2nd Strike Capabilties 1st - knock out an opponent's arsenal in one go (whoever strikes first wins) 2nd - absorb an attack and retaliate with mutually assured destruction * mutiple states have to have this ability
Free Trade vs Protectionism Free Trade - accessible goods across borders under market rates Protectionism - trade barriers that shield domestic producers from international competition
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: When? What did it elimante? What is the keyword? Post WW2 to elimate protectionism * key word is most favored nation (treat all trading partners equally) * didn't apply to non-tariff barriers and only focused on manufacturing
Levels of Analysis 1st - individual 2nd - state/unit 3rd - global distribution of power
Kantian Peace (Name Three Components) DPT (Democracy), International Organizations (Cooperation), and Economic Interdependence (More Trade = Higher Cost of War)
Responsibility to Protect (Name Four Factors + Define) 1. Prevent 2. React 3. Rebuild 4. UNSC Approval addresses sovereignty and how if independence fails, collective action is necessary
Security Dilemma (Define + 1 key word) increase in one's security is a decrease in another's * all states live in anarchy
Spiral vs Deterrance Model Spiral = all states are security seeking Deterrance = some states are bad and capitalize for greed
Autocratic Leaders (Define 3) Personalist - accountable to none Non-Personalist - accountable to elites Military - against diplomacy, pro force
Mundell Fleming Trilemma (Define and Name three components) an economy can only maintain 2/3 (exchange rate, monetary autonomy, and free capital mobility)
Preferiental Trade Agreement (PTA). Define. beyond WTO's rules, members can gain preferiental access to each other's markets
Prisoner's Dilemma (Define) Cooperation is hard to maintain even when it is mutually beneficial. One confesses, the other gets 10 years. Both confess, they both get 5 years. None confess, they get 1 year.
Created by: Varobbiw
Popular History sets




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