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Unit wild west


Frontier unsettled or sparsely settled area of the country occupied mostly by native Americans
Great Plains the area from the Missouri River to the rocky Mountains
Comstock Lode Location of a mine of valuable minerals next to Virginia city, Nevada
Boomtown a town that has a sudden burst of economic or population growth
Ghost town A one thriving community in which of the population has left
Vigilantes People that took the law into their own hands due to lack of law enforcement
Exodusters Freed slaves that fled the south after reconstruction and settled in the west
Wyoming the first states to give women the right to vote
Transcontinental Railroad a railroad that would span the continental connected the east with the west
Union PAcific Rain road company that began in Omaha and build track going west on the great plains
Central pacific Rail rod company that started in California and went east , blasting though the sierra Nevada mountains
Golden spike event in which union PAcific and central pacific met in promontory summit, Utah on 1896; completed the first transcontinental railroad
Long drive a 2-3 month trip in which cowboys led cattle to the cow towns along the railroads
Open range unfenced land on the great plains in which cattle were aloud to graze
Vaquero the first cowboys that came from Mexico and settled in the south west
Cowhead Cowboys that took the cattle from Texas to the railroads on the Great Plains
Sitting Bull: Sioux chief and medicine man that led native forces at the Battle of Little Bighorn
Crazy Horse Sioux chief and warrior that fought at the Battle of Little Bighorn and was known for his bravery
Geronimo Apache chief that fought Mexican and US forces in the Southwest, surrendered to the US government in 1887
Chief Joseph Chief of the Nez Perce tribe; led them in a daring escape to Canada fighting off the US army
Reservation an area of land set aside for native Americans to live on
BAttle of little BIg horn Battle in which the US 7th Cavalery was massacred by Sioux, Cheyenne and arapaho warriors
George Custer leader of the 7th caverly know for fighting native Americans; was defeated and killed at the battle of little bighorn
Wounded knee event in which a group of US soldiers massacred a camp of 300 Sioux men, women and children in 1890; makred at the end of a;ll the armed resistence in the west
Dawes Act US law that forced natives to assimilate by making them farmers and sending native children to boarding schools in east
Buffalo soldiers regiment of American American Cavalery that gained fame fighting native Americans in the west
BArbed wire Invented by Joseph Glidden; it was cheat and allowed homesteaders to fence in their property; helped to close the open range to cattle grazing
Homestead act federal law passed on the 1862 to encourage Americans and immigrants to settle the west; gave free land to anyone that would live on it for 5 years
Sodbusters farmers that lived on the great plains ; built their homes out of sod, which is the top layer of prairie soil thickly packed this grass roots
windmills technology that helped homesteaders adapt to the great plains; pumped water up from the ground
Created by: lulu000
Popular U.S. History sets




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