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APUSH Per 1 (1491-1607)

Pueblo people Native Americans who lived in Utah and Colorado today. were farmers, a settled population, who spent their time planting and harvesting beans and maize. Diverted rivers into canals to water their own plants
The Great Basin Colorado up until Canada Natives were nomadic EX: UTE people
Northwest coast/ California (natives) Native people who developed permanent settlements because of abundance of fish and a diversity of plant life EX;Chumash people
Pacific Northwest Chinook people who lived similarly to the Chumash except they lived in extensive plank housing which housed whole families.
Northeast Iroquois people who were also farmers and lived in long houses
Mississippi river valley people Natives here were farmers because of rich soil and also participated in trade up and down the main waterways EX: CAHOKIA
Why were Europeans arriving on the American shore? From the 1300's to the 1400's European kingdoms were changing significantly, were going through a process of political unification
Christopher Columbus Italian sailor who arrived in the New World in 1492
Where did Columbus land? the Caribbean
Columbian exchange The transfer of people,animals,plants, and diseases from the east to west and to the west from the east. From the America's food like potatoes, tomatoes, and maize crossed to Europe Europe to America came wheat,rice, and soybeans
Columbian exchange pt.2 Animals: The Americas sent over turkeys, Europeans introduce cattle,pigs, and horses Gold & Silver found in the America's and transferred to Europe people: Europeans stayed and brought African slaves to the Americas Disease: small pox
How did diseases from European affect Natives? Natives were severally impacted by smallpox since they had no immunity for it. Native population plummeted
Joint-stock companies a short-term partnership between multiple investors to fund a commercial enterprise. Basically were people would fund a trip over sea
Encomienda system Spaniards forced Natives to be slaves and work in their plantations
What did Natives do in response to the Encomienda system? Natives ran off since they knew the land better so it was easy for them to escape A lot of natives died because of diseases
What did Spaniards do in response to the Encomienda system not working out too well? They sought for more African slaves
The Casta System Made by Spaniards to categorize people based on their racial ancestry
The Casta System order 1:Spaniards born in Spain 2:Creoles- Spaniards born in the America's 3:Castas- Mestizos, born of Spanish and Native American blood, and Mulattoes, Spanish and African blood 4:Africans 5:Native Americans
Mercantilism Was the belief that wealth in the world was limited and the more of it a country has, the more powerful the country has
New England colonies Puritanical religious refugees, puritans settled here, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.
Middle Colonies Most diverse from across Europeans and to a lesser extent African continents. Trade was crucial. New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
Chesapeake Colonization began here in 1607. Tobacco farming was central in this region. VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND.
Southern Became "slave societies". focused on cash crop agriculture
Jamestown First permanent British colony in the New World
Natives in Chesapeake colonies were... diminished because the British took all their land
Indentured servitude poor white Britains served for 4-7 years then were free
Head right system Granted wealthy Britains to 50 acres of land
New England economy tobacco
New Eng Geography cold-hard soil cannot grow tobacco
New Eng social structure minister runs colony nuclear families
New Eng beliefs Christianity-puritans Church is the government
Middle Colonies economy tobacco and trade
MC geography good for farming for cereal crops
Southern/Chesapeake economy tobacco
South/Chesapeake geography warm climate
Southern/Chesapeake social structure more farmers
Nuclear families families in which the dad is in charge
The Slave Trade The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas.
The Middle Passage Shipping route that brought enslaved people to the Americas Was the middle leg of the triangular trade route among the colonies, Europe, and Africa Conditions for the Africans aboard were brutally inhumane
Created by: JuliR
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