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Early Developments in the Cold War (Section 2)

What were the countries called that were under Soviet control after WW2? Satellite states
Who wrote the Long Telegram? George Kennan
What was the telegram called that reported Soviet attitudes back to the USA? The Long Telegram
What did the Long Telegram report about Stalin and his views? He wanted to destroy capitalism as he felt the world outside of the Soviet Union was unfriendly and wanted to destroy communism
What did George Kennan believe the Soviet Union would do when faced with strong opposition? Soften it's position, as it did not want to destroy itself
Who wrote the Novikov Telegram? Nikolai Novikov
What was the telegram called that reported US attitudes back to the Soviet Union? The Novikov Telegram
What did the Novikov Telegram say about the USA? It didn't want to co-operate with the Soviet Union and wanted to use its massive military power to dominate the world
What policy did the USA develop in reaction to the Long Telegram? Containment
How did the Novikov Telegram affect the Soviet Union? Further encouraged Stalin to take control of countries on his border
What did Churchill make clear in his Iron Curtain speech? He thought the Soviet Union was a threat to world peace
Why did Stalin believe Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech reflecting the USA's beliefs? The speech was made in the USA, so Churchill must have shown his speech to Truman before making it
What was the Truman Doctrine? The idea from Truman that communism was the will of the minority being forced upon the majority and that the USA was prepared to send troops and economic aid to countries trying to resist it
What was the Marshall Plan? The practical outcome of the Truman Doctrine, providing economic aid to war-torn countries in order to help the fight against communism
How much money was given to Europe as part of the Marshall Plan? $13.7 billion
What area of Europe did the Marshall Plan affect? Western European countries
What did the Soviets nickname the Marshall Plan? Dollar Imperialism
What did Stalin think the USA were attempting with the Marshall Plan? To extend their influence and divide Europe in two by establishing an economic empire
What years was Marshall Aid in action? 1948-1952
Name 3 results of the Marshall Plan 1. The Grand Alliance was now completely over 2. Stalin believed USA wanted to destroy Soviet Union 3. Europe became divided economically and politically
What military alliance was made with the USA and Western Europe and when was it formed? NATO in April 1949
What was the name of the political organisation set up by Stalin and when was it made? Cominform in 1947
What was the name of the economic organisation set up by Stalin and when was it made? Comecon in 1949
What did Cominform claim about the USA? It was no different to Nazi Germany
What was Cominform mainly responsible for? Ensuring the loyalty of Eastern European governments
What was Comecon mainly responsible for? Supporting economic development in Eastern Europe
The three Western powers and the Soviet Union had different ways of viewing their occupation of Germany. What were these views? Soviet Union: Wanted to take as much material as possible from Germany to help them rebuild their own country West: Wanted to rebuild Germany's economy so it could be a better trading partner and help resist communism
What was the combination of the American and British zones in Germany called and when was it formed? Bizonia in 1947
When the French added their zone of Germany to Bizonia, what was the name of the zone and when did this happen? Trizonia in 1948
What was the name of the new currency the Allies introduced to Germany? The Deutschmark
Why were the Soviets not happy about the new Deutschmark? It created a completely separate economic unit from the East
What were Stalin's 2 main reasons for the Berlin Blockade? - He could win a huge propaganda success - The West might allow Berlin to be completely run by the Soviets
When did the Soviets lift the Berlin Blockade? May 9th, 1949
What was the name of the parliament in West Germany? The Bundestag
What was the official name of West Germany? The Federal Republic of Germany
What was the official name of East Germany? The German Democratic Republic
Who created their own independent nation in Germany first? The Allies
How many nations were a part of NATO when it formed? 12
Created by: JoeMather
Popular History sets




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