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Geography Chapter 17

Glacier A large mass of ice that forms on land and moves slowly downhill under its own weight
Snowline A temporary line marking the elevation where winter snowfall persists throughout the summer
Alpine Glacier A long, narrow glacier that forms high in a mountain valley
Continental Glacier Continuous masses of ice; larger than alpine glaciers
Cirque A semi-circular shaped bedrock feature created as glaciers erode a mountain
Ice sheet A continuous mass of unconfined ice
Glacial Surge The forward movement of a glacier at faster than normal speeds
Abrasion As the glacier flows downhills, boulders frozen to its bottom move with it and scrape the bedrock, leaving gouges and scratches
Plucking As the glacier flows downhill, boulders are picked up, freeze to the bottom of the glacier, and are carried downhill
Roche Moutonnée An asymmetrical hill of exposed bedrock with a gently sloping side. Polished smooth by a glacier
V Shaped Valley Formed by a flowing river
Arete A sharp ridge separating two cirques
Col The lowest point between two peaks or horns
Horn A pyramid-shaped mountain peak. Created by multiple glaciers eroding the same mountain
U Shaped Valley A valley shaped like a U formed as a glacier erodes the land
Striations Scratches on rock surfaces caused by the movement of an ice sheet carrying material
Tarn Small mountain lakes found in cirques
Fjord A U shaped valley cut by a glacier and then filled in by the rising sea level
Glacial Drift The general term for all glacial deposits
Moraine A landform created by glacial deposition; till deposited at the edges of a glacier as it moves or melts
Lateral Moraine A ridge of till deposited at the sides of a glacier
Medial Moraine A ridge of till in the middle of a glacier, usually when two glaciers meet
Terminal Moraine A ridge of till at the furthest point reached by the glacier
Till Plain A large, relatively flat plain of unsorted glacial deposits behind a terminal moraine
Drumlin Elongated, teardrop-shaped hills of rock, sand, and gravel that formed under moving glacier ice
Outwash Plain An area of glacial stream deposits beyond a glacier's moraines
Esker Narrow ridges made of sand and gravel. Formed by glacial meltwater flowing within and under glaciers
Kame Small hill, knoll or mound of sorted sand and gravel left on a surface as a glacier retreats
Kettle / Kettle Lake A small depression formed by a chunk of ice in glacial till. The ice melts, and either a depression is left, or the depression fills with water and becomes a lake
Created by: TheresaH
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