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Intro to Med Term

Ch. 1 Med Term

Why is medical language useful and necessary? It allows health care professionals to be clear, communicate quickly, and provide comfort to patients.
What are the two ancient languages that serve as the foundation of medical language? Greek & Latin
Lou Gehrig's Disease is an example of what derivative of the Greek language? Eponym - epi (upon) + onyma (name) = "to put a name to something"
What word is derived from the Greek words acro (high, end) and onyma (name) which translates to "make a name with the ends." One example would be, MRI. Acronym
Who is considered to be the father of western medicine? Hippocrates
Where were the foundations of western medicine laid? Ancient Greece & Rome
Born in AD 129, what man made some of the greatest achievements of our understanding of the human body, how disease affects it, and how drugs work? Galen
What was the global language of the scientific revolution that allowed people from England, Italy, Spain, Poland, and elsewhere to talk to one another? Latin
True or False: Latin and Greek provide an excellent basis for medical terminology because dead languages do not change? True, by using dead language there is no worry that words will change meaning overtime.
What sound does the letter C make (before a, o, u)? K Example: Cardiac (KAR-dee-ak)
What sound does the letter C make (before e, i, y)? S Example: Cephalic (seh-FAL-ik), Cyst (SIST)
What sound does CH make? K Example: Chiropractor (KAI-roh-PRAK-tor)
What sound does the letter G make (before a, o, u)? G Example: Gamma (GAH-mah)
What sound does the letter G make (before e, i, y)? J Example: Genetic (jen-ET-ik)
What sound does PH make? F Example: Pharmacy (FAR-mah-see)
What sound does PN make? N Example: Pneumonia (noo-MOHN-yah)
What sound does PT make? T Example: Pterigium (teh-RIH-jee-um)
What sound does RH, RRH, make? R Example: Hemorrhage (HEH-moh-rig)
What sound does X make? Z Example: Xanax (ZAN-ex), Xeroderma (ZER-oh-DER-mah)
What is the name of the last syllable? Ultima "last"
What is the name of the second-to-last syllable? Penult "almost the last"
What is the name of the third-to-last syllable? Antepenult "the one before the one that is almost the last"
Which syllable do you emphasize when pronouncing medical terms? the third-to-last "Antepenult" Example: Cardiac (KAR-dee-ak), Cardiology, (kar-dee-AW-loh-jee), Colonoscopy (co-lon-AW-skoh-pee)
What is the foundation or subject of the term? The Root
What is the ending that gives essential meaning to the term? Suffix
What is added to the beginning of the term when needed to further modify the root? Prefix
What is the root word for Joint? Arthr/o (AR-throh)
What is the root word for Heart? Cardi/o (KAR-dee-oh)
What is the root word for Small Intestine? Enter/o (EN-ter-oh)
What is the root word for Stomach? Gastr/o (GAS-tro)
What is the root word for Liver? Hepat/o (he-PAH-toh)
What is the root word for Nerve? Neur/o (NUR-oh)
What is the root word(s) for Blood? Hem/o and Hemat/o (HEE-moh) (heh-MAH-toh)
What is the root word(s) for Muscle? My/o and Muscul/o (MAI-oh) (MUS-kyoo-loh)
Angi/o, (AN-gee-oh) Vas/o, (VAS-oh) and Vascul/o (VAS-kyoo-loh) are all root words for what? Vessel, (most commonly refers to blood vessel)
Derm/o, (DER-moh) Dermat/o, (der-MAH-toh) and Cutane/o (kyoo-TAY-nee-oh) are all root words for what? Skin
Pneum/o, (NOO-moh) Pneumon/o, (noo-MAW-noh) and Pulmon/o (PUL-maw-noh) are all root words for what? Lung
What is the root word for Creation or Cause? gen/o (JIN-oh)
What is the root word for Water? hydr/o (HAI-droh)
What is the root word for Change? Morph/o (MOR-foh)
What is the root word for Fungus? myc/o (MAI-koh)
What is the root word for Death? Necr/o (NEH-kroh)
What is the root word for Straight? Ortho/o (OR-thoh)
What is the root word for Suffering / Disease? Path/o (PAH-thoh)
What is the root word for Eat? Phag/o (FAY-goh)
What is the root word for Formation? Plas/o (PLAH-soh)
What is the root word for Pus? Py/o (PAI-oh)
What is the root word for Hard? Scler/o (SKLEH-roh)
What is the root word for Narrowing? Sten/o (STIH-noh)
What is the root word for Nourishment / Development? Troph/o (TROH-foh)
What is the root word for Foreign? Xen/o (ZEE-noh)
What is the definition of the suffix "-ac" pertaining to Example: Cardiac
What is the definition of the suffix "-al" pertaining to Example: Skeletal
What is the definition of the suffix "-ar" pertaining to Example: Muscular
What is the definition of the suffix "-ary" pertaining to Example: Pulmonary
What is the definition of the suffix "-eal" pertaining to Example: Esophageal
What is the definition of the suffix "-ic" pertaining to Example: Medic
What is the definition of the suffix "-tic" pertaining to Example: Neurotic
What is the definition of the suffix "-ous" pertaining to Example: Subcutaneous
What is the definition of the Suffix(s): -ia (ee-ah), and -ism (ih-zum), that turns the root into nouns? condition Example: pneumonia, autism
What is the definition of the Suffix -ium (ee-um), that turns the root into nouns? tissue, structure Example: pericardium
What is the definition of the Suffix -y (ee), that turns the root into nouns? condition, procedure Example: hypertrophy
Ventricle, Arteriole, Pustule, & Uvula, are all words that have what kind of suffix(s)? Diminutive (Small)
What does -icle mean? small
What does -ole mean? small
What does -ule mean? small
What does -ula mean? small
What does the suffix -iatrics mean? medical science
What does the suffix -iatrist mean? specialist in medicine of
What does the suffix -ist mean? specialist
What does the suffix -logist mean? specialist in the study of
What does the suffix -logy mean? study of
What is the definition of the Suffix(s) -algia and -dynia? pain
What does -cele translate to? hernia
What does -emia mean? blood condition
What does -iasis mean? presence of
What is -itis? inflammation
What does -lysis mean? loosen, break down
What is -malacia? abnormal softening
What is -megaly? enlargement
What does -oid mean? resembling
What does -oma mean? tumor
What does -osis mean? condition
What does -pathy mean? disease
What does -penia mean? deficiency
What does -ptosis mean? drooping
What does -rrhage, or -rrhagia mean? excessive flow
What does -rrhea mean? flow
What does -rrhexis mean? rupture
What does -spasm mean? involuntary contraction
When it comes to testing what is the suffix -centesis puncture
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -gram written record
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -graph instrument used to produce a record
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -graphy writing procedure
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -meter instrument used to measure
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -metry process of measuring
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -scope instrument used to look
When it comes to testing what does is the suffix -scopy process of looking
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -desis binding or fixation
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -ectomy removal
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -pexy surgical fixation
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -plasty reconstruction
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -rrhaphy suture
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -stomy creation of an opening
When it comes to treatment what does is the suffix -tomy incision
What is the plural form of -a -ae
What is the plural form of -ax -aces
What is the plural form of -ex -ices
What is the plural form of -ix -ices
What is the plural form of -is -es
What is the plural form of -ma -mata
What is the plural form of -on -a
What is the plural form of -um -a
What is the plural form of -us -i
What is the plural form of -y -ies
What does the negating prefix a- or an- mean? not
What does the negating prefix anti- or contra- mean? against
What does the negating prefix de- mean? down, away from
What does the prefix ante- or pre- mean? before
What does the prefix pro- mean? before, on behalf of
What does the prefix brady- mean? slow
What does the prefix tachy- mean? fast
What does the prefix post- after
What does the prefix re- mean? again
What does the directional prefix ab- mean? away
What does the directional prefix ad- mean? toward
What does the directional prefix(s) circum- or peri- mean? around
What does the directional prefix(s) dia- or trans- mean? through
What does the directional prefix(s) e-, ec-, ex- mean? out
What does the directional prefix(s) ecto-, exo-, extra- mean? outside
What does the directional prefix(s) en-, endo-, intra- mean? in, inside
What does the directional prefix epi- mean? upon
What does the directional prefix sub- mean? beneath
What does the directional prefix inter-mean? between
What is the quantity of bi- two
What is the quantity of hemi, or semi half
What does hyper- mean? over
What does hypo- mean? under
What does macro- mean? large
What does micro- mean? small
What is the quantity of mono- one
What is the quantity of oligo- few
What is the quantity of pan- all
What is the quantity of poly- or multi- many
What does con-, syn-, or sym- mean? with, together
What does dys- mean? bad
What does eu- mean? good
To figure out the definition of a term what 3 steps should you follow in order to interpret? Suffix first then the Prefix (if present) then the Root or Roots
The term cardiology (cardio / logy) is defined as what? study of the heart
The term hepatitis (hepat / itis) is defined as what? inflammation of the liver
The term myalgia (my / algia) is defined as what? pain of muscle
The term osteotomy (osteo / tomy) is defined as what? incision into a bone
The term angiectomy (angi / ectomy) is defined as what? surgical removal of a vessel
The term arthritis (arthr / itis) is defined as what? inflammation of the joint
What is the definition of the term angiosclerosis? hardening of a blood vessel (angio / scler / osis)
What is the definition of the term cardiopulmonary? pertaining to the heart and lungs (cardio / pulmon / ary)
What is the definition of the term dermatoymycosis? skin condition cause by fungus (dermato / myc / osis)
What is the definition of the term dysentery? another name for severe diarrhea (dys / enter / y)
What is the definition of the term hepatosplenomegaly? enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepato / spleno / megaly)
What is the definition of the term hyperplasia? overformation condition (hyper / plas / ia)
What is the definition of the term hypoglycemia? condition characterized by low sugar in the blood (low blood sugar) (hypo / glyc / emia)
What is the definition of the term osteocarcinoma? bone cancer tumor (osteo / carcin / oma)
What is the definition of the term osteomyelitis? inflammation of the bone marrow (osteo / myel / itis)
What is the definition of the term pericardium? tissue around the heart (peri / card / ium)
Created by: sassyfeddersen
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