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q-bank 1


free ribosomes function? synthesis of cytosol protein
attached ribosome function? synthesis of cell membrane protein
antibody on membranous nephropathy? PLA2R
Dobutamine? B1 adrenergic (inc, ionotropy and chronotropy) also used instead of exercise stress test, checks for supply-demand mismatch.
growth factor acts on (igf-1)? Jak-stat pathway
Drug for motion sickness. S/E? Scopolamine (anti-muscuranic/anti-cholinergic) causes blurry vision, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation
MEN 1 (THINK OF FLYNN RIDER-TANGLED) He had a Pan (pancreas), which he hit on head (pituitary adenoma) and he was HYPER around (para) rapunzel (hyperparathyroid)
MEN 2 (THINK OF MAD FEW MEN) mad(medullary thyroid cancer), few (pheochromocytoma) and 2A (alpha are hyper so parathyroid hyperplasia) and 2B (Beta men are thin so marfanoid habitus and mucosal neuroma)
hypo ca+2 and hypo mg+2 in a ganciclovir-resistant patient, what is the drug? Foscarnet (pyrophosphate analogue)
Difference between neurocysticercosis and toxoplasmosis and bartonella's disease? Neurocysticercosis= seizures and cysts (scolex) eggs ingested from stool Toxoplasmosis= in immunocompromised, multiple ring-enchancing lesions bartonella Hanse lea= skin/soft tissue infection and lymphadenitis
H infuenza X (HEMATIN) AND V (NAD+), type B has PP polysaccharide
What are the contact precautions for MDR organisms. Enteric and scabies? hand hygiene, non sterile gloves, gowns, private room
Organisms isolated from intraabdominal abscess? B.fragilis, e.coli, enterococci and streptococci
Why does N.gonorrhea has recurrent infection? Presence of high antigenic variability of surface markers (Opa protiens, porins and LPO)
B-hexosaminidase A deficiency and accumulation of GM2 ganglioside in lysosomes Tay Sachs (a gang of six small jews), cherry red macula spot, Intellectual disability, seizures, hypotonia, macrocephaly
yellow-white plaques on colonic mucosa with fibrin and inflammatory deposits. which events caused this? (C.difficile infections) recent hospitalization and antibiotics for pneumonia (fluoroquinolone)
Colitis associated VS sporadic colorectal cancer? Colitis: young, flat lesion, late APC early P53, multifocal origin, proximal to distal (CROHN DZ), poor diff, mucinous Sporadic: older age, polypoid lesions, single focal, early APC and late P53, distal to proximal, well diff and not mucinous (rarely)
Annular pancreas vs pancreas divisum? annular pancreas: abnormal migration of ventral pancreatic bud during 7th and 8th week, duodenal obstruction or pancreatitis divisum: asymptomatic, failure of fusion of ventral and dorsal bud, associated with acute or chronic pancreatitis.
Cardiac arrest+ loss of grey-white matter diff with sulcal effacement+ no pupillary response. lesion? Upper midbrain (anoxic brain injury) contains optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, edinger westphal nuclei, pretectal nuclei.
what to do when patient is tremulous, agitated with elvated pulse and blood pressure? give benzodiazepines (diazepam, lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide)
hx of respo infxn and now muscle weakness in 32M GBS- endoneurial inflammatory infiltration, ascending (from feet to legs)symmetric weakness, acute demyelinating polyneuropathy, usually receds respiratory or gastroenteritis illness
risk for EBV? markers? 50% B-cell lymphomas and most CNS lymphomas, t(8;14) over expression of c-myc, starry sky (benign macrophage) , Ki-67 high fraction
Alzheimer's disease atrophy? Hippocampal and temporoparietal
enlarged lymph nodes peau d orange, edema, erythema, retracted nipple inflammatory breast cx due to lymphatic obstruction
21 hydroxylase deficiency? SALT WASTING + HYPOTENSION dec. cortisol and aldosterone, inc. testosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone ambiguous genitalia in girls
11 B-hydroxylase deficiency? SALT RETENTION +HTN dec. cortisol and aldosterone, inc. testosterone and 11-deoxycortisone ambiguous genitalia in girls
17 a hydroxylase deficiency? SALT RETENTION + HTN dec. cortisol and aldosterone, inc. mineralocorticoids and corticosterone all patients are female
Created by: khulu
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