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Accounting def.

Accounting definitions ch 1 - 4

Assets A present economic resource controlled by the entity that has the potential to produce a future economic benefit within 12 months or for longer than 12 months
Liabilities A present obligation of the entity that will result in the transfer of an economic resource within 12 months or after 12 months
Ethical considerations A business must consider the consequences of a decision on the environment and its various stakeholders and have a moral obligation to act with honesty and integrity in all human and financial dealings.
Owner’s Equity The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities. The amount left over for the owner.
Going Concern Assumption Financial reports are prepared on the assumption that the existing entity will continue to operate into the future and records are kept on this basis
Accounting Entity Assumption The records of the entity are to be kept completely separate from those of the owner of the entity as well as from those of other entities. A separate set of accounting records is maintained for each entity.
Accrual Basis Assumption Revenue is recognised when earned and expenses are recognised when incurred regardless of whether cash has been received or paid so that an accurate profit or loss can be calculated
Period Assumption Reports are prepared for a particular period of time such as a months or a year, in order to obtain comparability of results
Qualitative characteristics Accounting concepts which govern the qualities of the information in reports
Relevance Reports must include all information which is useful for decision making, excluding information that is not.
Faithful Representation The information reported must be a true representation of the real-world economic event it represents, complete, free from material error and neutral.
Verifiability Reports are based on verified source documents so that informed and impartial observers can determine that they accurately represent what they are supposed to
Comparability Reports should be able to be compared period to period and business to business
Timeliness Information is available to decision-makers in time to be capable of influencing their decisions
Understandability Information needs to be comprehensible to users with reasonable knowledge within clear and concise reports
Liquidity the ability of the business to meet its short term debts as they fall due
Working Capital Ratio A liquidity indicator which measures the ratio of current assets to current liabilities to assess the firm’s ability to meet its short term debts as they fall due
Debt Ratio A stability indicator that measures the proportion of a firm’s assets that are funded by external sources
Stability Ability of the business to meet its debts and continue its operations into the future
Debt Ratio Equation (TOTAL LIABILITIES / TOTAL ASSETS) x 100
Sole Proprietorship Owned and operated by a single individual, operated in their own name or a business name, owner pays tax on their profit
Partnership Owned by 2-20 people in their own names or a business name, governed by a partnership agreement, each partner earns a share of profits or losses and pays tax individually
Proprietary Company Listed as a separate legal entity, 1-50 stakeholders, has letters Pty Ltd after the name, pays tax in its own name at 30% fixed rate
Public Company Listed as a separate legal entity, has unlimited shareholders and is listed on the Australian stock exchange, has the letters Ltd after name and pays tax in its own name at 30% fixed rate
Capital contribution Funds contributed by the owners
Retained earnings Funds generated by the business through past profit
Trade credit Buying goods on credit
Bank overdraft Facility provided by the bank where they allow a business to withdraw more than the funds they have available in the account
Term loan Money lended by the bank for a major purchase
Leasing A form of rental agreement so that the business can have use of an asset without owning it
Goods and Services Tax (GST) A 10% tax levied by the federal government on sales of most goods and services and is classified as a current liability because it needs to be paid to the Australian Tax Office within 12 months
Return on Owner’s Investment A profitability indicator that measures how effectively a business has used owner’s capital to earn profit
ROI equation (Net Profit/Average owner's equity) x 100
Source Documents Printed or electronic documents that provide evidence that a transaction has occurred
Limited Liability Shareholders have no responsibility for liabilities or losses of the company so their personal assets are safe should the business go bankrupt
Unlimited Liability Owner is personally responsible for all debts and losses and can lose all personal assets registered in their name
Created by: SCP006
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