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M301 Exam 1

Utility The power of a good or service to satisfy the wants of consumers
Marketing The process for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers
Target Market The group of people toward whom the firm aims its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise
Marketing Mix Product, price, place (distribution), and promotion
Product Refers to a good, service, or idea
Price The method of setting profitable and justifiable prices
Place (Distribution) The decision involving modes of transportation, warehousing, inventory control, order processing, and selection of marketing channels
Promotion Communication to a firm's buyers about their products
Seller's Market When there are more buyers for fewer products
Buyer's Market When there are more products than people willing to buy them
Consumer Orientation Where the focus is on satisfying the needs and wants of consumers rather than simply producing and selling products
Marketing Concept A companywide consumer orientation with the objective of achieving long-term success
Transaction-Based Marketing Traditional view of marketing as a simple exchange process
Relationship Marketing Refers to the development, growth, and maintenance of long-term, cost-effective relationships with individual customers, suppliers, employees, and other partners for mutual benefit
Mobile Marketing Marketing messages sent to wireless devices, such as phones and tablets
Social Marketing The use of online social media as a communications channel for marketing messages
Product Marketing Involves efforts designed to communicate the benefits of a good or service
Planning The overall process of anticipating conditions and determining the best way to achieve organizational objectives
Marketing Planning The process devoted specifically to achieving marketing objectives
Strategic Planning The process of determining an organization's long-term primary objectives and adopting courses of action that will achieve these objectives
Tactical Planning Defines how activities specified in the strategic plan will be implemented
Operational Planning Where managers develop specific programs to meet goals in their area of responsibility
Marketing Plan A written plan that outlines the strategic marketing goals of an organization
Mission The essential purpose that differentiates one company from others
SWOT Analysis An important strategic planning tool that helps managers analyza the internal and external environment to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
Strengths Represent a firm's core competencies or points of differentiation from the competition
Weaknesses Limitations that place the company at a disadvantage
Opportunities Factors that could potentially be exploited by the company
Threats Factors that could limit the company's success
Strategic Business Units (SBUs) Key business units within diversified firms
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix A portfolio analysis framework that enables managers to plot the relative position of each business unit, brand, or product on the basis of industry growth rate and relative market share
Competitive Environment Where marketers of directly competitive products of substitute products compete for consumer purchases
Direct Competition Occurs among marketers of similar products
Indirect Competition Involves products that are easily substituted with others
Competitive Strategy An effective strategy for dealing with the competitive environment
Political-Legal Environment The component of the marketing environment consisting of laws and regulations to maintain competitive conditions and protect consumer rights
Antitrust Laws that help maintain a competitive business environment by preventing the concentration of industry power in the hands of a small number of competitors
Sherman Antitrust Act Prohibits restraint of trade and monopolization; identifies a competitive marketing system as a national policy goal
Federal Trade Commissions Act (FTC) Prohibits unfair methods of competition; establishes the Federal Trade Commission, an administrative agency that investigates business practices and enforces the FTC Act
Digital Millenium Copyright Act Protects intellectual property rights by prohibiting copying or downloading of digital files
Federal Food and Drug Act Prohibits adulteration and misbranding of food and drugs involved in interstate commerce; strengthened by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938) and the Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendment (1962)
Consumer Product Safety Act Created the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which has authority to specify safety standards for most products
Telecommunications Act Significantly deregulates the telecommunications industry by removing barriers to competition in the phone and television broadcasting markets
Economic Environment Consists of factors that influence consumer buying power and marketing strategies
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The sum of all goods and services produced by a nation in a year
Inflation An increase in prices causes by some combination of excess demand and the increasing cost of raw materials, labor, and/or other factors of production
Deflation A general decrease in prices
Unemployment The proportion of people in the economy who are actively seeking work but do not have jobs
Discretionary Income The amount of money people have to spend after buying necessities such as food, clothing, and housing
Technological Environment The application of knowledge based on discoveries in science, inventions, and innovations
Social-Cultural Environment The relationship between marketing, society, and culture
Consumerism A social force within the environment that aids and protects the consumer by exerting legal, moral, and economic pressures on business and government
Marketing Ethics The marketers' standards of conduct and value
Social Responsibility Accepting an obligation to give equal weight to profits, consumer satisfaction, and social well-being in evaluating a firm's performance
E-Business Using the Internet to provide services to customers and communicate with employees and business partners
E-Commerce The buying and selling of products online
Digital Marketing The process of marketing goods and services over the Internet by utilizing digital tools
Interactive Marketing Delivering more relevant marketing messages to customers based on event triggers
Business-to-Business (B2B) Transactions that happen between organizations (company to company)
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) One of the oldest applications of technology for business transactions and includes direct, computer-to-computer exchanges of price quotations, purchase orders, invoices, and other sales information
Extranet A secure network used for e-business and accessible through the firm's website by external customers, suppliers, or other authorized users
Intranet A secure internal network that helps companies share information among employees, no matter the number or location
Private Exchange A secure website where a company and its suppliers share all types of data, from product design through order delivery
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Business conducted directly between a business and a consumer
Encryption The process of encoding data for security purposes
Phishing A high-tech scam that uses e-mail or pop-up messages that claim to be from familiar businesses or even government agencies
Channel Conflicts Conflicts between producers, wholesalers, and retailers
User Experience (UX) The overall experience customers have when visiting a website
Revenue Maximization Website strategies designed to increase the size of each customer transaction and encourage repeat visits by the customer
Unique Visitors The number of individuals who visit a website
Engagement How much time users spend on the site and which pages they visit
Conversion Rate The percentage of visitors to a website who make a purchase
Click-Through Rate The percentage of users who click on an ad
Conversion Cost The total cost of each sale
Created by: rplaney
Popular Marketing sets




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