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CSE Tips

12 Lead is indicated when they present with... Chest pain Heart Problems Rule out M.I Hemodynamic unstable Sudden onset of pain Arrythmias- PVCs
Chest Xray is indicated when they present with... ETT Tube Diagnostic Post trauma (MVC/MVA) Broken ribs Pulmonary issues Pt has cough with fever, Increased WBC V/O2 issues Decreased SpO2
HFCWO is indicated with patients with... CF Weak cough
Urine Culture is indicated with patients with... Fever / SNF Patient with fever UTI History of kidney issues
Pupillary Response is indicated with patients with... TBI/head trauma Suspected of drug overdose Stroke N
Sputum Culture is indicated with patients with... PNA Increased WBC Fever
Toxically Screening is indicated with patients with... Overdose Alcohol use Pt. found down Pt. agitated/combative Hx of drug use
Blood Culture is indicated with patients with... Heart issues
APAGAR Normal 7-10 (10 mins max)
Ballard Score Gestational Age
Capillary Neonates Ventilation ONLY
CPR (infant) HR <60?
Auscultation of the chest Safe Don't auscultate if its an emergent situation with no pulse Post Intubation SOB, Increased RR and WOB Assessing for ventilation issues
Integrity of the tube/Cuff Assess for leaks Increased PIP Decreased VT Obstruction of kinks
Patency of the vent circuit Kink Condensation (rainout)
Vibratory PEP Therapy Ex acapellea Mobilize secretion Weak/non Prod. cough
Environmental issues Asthmas Allergies Smoking inhalation Exercise induced asthma
AC Unconscious patient Pt. still needs full support
Mental Status Airway protection SBT/Weaning
GCS/LOC Sensorium Alert, Awake
CO-Oximetry <20 CO poisoning Pt. found down in house fire Occupation (firefighter)
Cardiovert V. Fib V. Trach with Pulse SVT
Defib No Pulse V. Fib
Babinski Reflex Babies Only Foot Reflex Done in the NICU
Corneal Reflex Blink reflex For Neuro issues
Muscle Tone (BABY) APGAR
Skin Color Cyanotic
Extremities Edema Clubbing Perfusion
Physical Appearance Accessory muscle use Malnourish Diaphoretic Cyanotic Digital Clubbing (COPD,CHF, CF)
6MWT Distance COPD Smokers
FeNO NOT for distressed patients For Asthma Pts index of inflammation
DLCO NOT for emergent patients/ICU PFT patients for pul. Rehab
Spirometry Pre/Post "Bronchodilator test"= reversible 12% Fev1 200 ml FVC
Bronchial Provocation Test Methacholine challenge Inhalation challenge Asses for hyperreactive airways
Created by: Fabian.559
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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