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_______ reflexes should be checked with a patient who has overdosed from drugs. Pupillary Reflexes
A Patient who presents with __________ & _________ requires defibrillation along with this medication. V-Fib & V-Tach; Amiodarone
Which medication can cause a decrease in ICP? Mannitol
To keep ICP's >20 you would want the patient to ________? Hyperventilate (permissive hypocapnia)
Normal Urine Output _______ mL/hr: 40 mL/hr
What is the normal FeCO value for patient's who are NON-SMOKERS: Exhaled Carbon Monoxide "FeCO" = <7
Normal Cuff Pressure = ________ mmHg OR _______ cmH2O __20-25______ mmHg OR ___25-35___ cmH2O
ETT Markings for Oral & Nares: Oral: 21-25 cm @ lips Nares: 26- 29 cm @ nares
This type of ultrasound can be used to detect fluid in thorax, pneumothorax, chest tubes & can be used to guide a thoracentesis: Thoracic Ultrasound
This type of ______ scan can be used to identify _____ tumors. PET scan, malignant tumors
This type of scan can help rule out or diagnose a PE: V/Q perfusion scan
What type of diagnostic test can help identify the PRESENCE & EXTENT of a PE: CT angiography
When would you need to assess the head/neck of a patient? when evaluating for traumatic brain, neck, spine injury
To assess the thoracic cavity, detect tumors, aortic aneurysm, effusions, & chest trauma; this type of diagnostic test may be chosen: CT/MRI
A ______ X-Ray can help differentiate the cause of stridor (croup vs epiglottitis) and to help detect _______. A ___NECK___ X-Ray can help differentiate the cause of stridor (croup vs epiglottitis) and to help detect ___FOREIGN BODY ASPIRATIONS____.
Foreign Body Aspirations would present as ______ on an Xray. Radiopaque (WHITER)
What kind of test can be done to evaluate "tolerance for exertion"? Exercise Testing
Normal Values for Newborn ABG: pH __> 7.30___ PaO2 __>60 torr___ PaCO2 _< 50 torr____
PEEP for NEONATE: 2-4 cmH2O
I-Time for NEONATE: 0.3-0.5 seconds
PIP for NEONATE: 20- 30 cmH2O
Pressure-Limited/ Time Cycled (vent settings recommended for :________) Neonates
Carboxyhemoglobin percentage: ____ to ____% 0 to 1 %
PFT- Calibration syringe: 3.0 liters (+/ - 3.5%)
What king of therapy would you recommend to a patient who is Wheezing with Bronchospasm: bronchodilator
Drugs that you would recommend for CHF? diuretics & positive inotropes
What is another name for Stridor and what would you give to treat? Laryngeal Edema-> give cool mist/ racemic epinephrine
What procedure would help you confirm the presence of a foreign body object? Laryngoscopy
What procedure would help you diagnose an Unconfirmed Tumor? Bronchoscopy
What BS would you hear with a patient who has secretions in the Large a/W? Rhonchi/ Tactile Fremitus
What treatment would you recommend to a patient who has rhonchi/ tactile fremitus? Give bronchial hygiene therapy/ suction
A patient with a weak cough would have ______ clearance: What would you recommend as treatment? Poor secretion clearance: Give Bronchial Hygiene Therapy/ suction
What test would you recommend to diagnose Reversible vs Irreversible Obstructive disease? Pre/Post bronchodilator results
What can help evaluate blood clotting & bleeding abnormalities? Platelets, INR, PT (prothrombin time)
Electrolytes can help determine & identify what? Determine the type of metabolic acid-base imbalance (anion gap) & identify causes of selected cardiac arrhythmias & neuromuscular abnormalities
Percussion Notes to identify a Pneumothorax? HYPERRESONANT
Percussion Notes to identify Consolidation or PNA? DULL
What assesses Respiratory MUSCLE STRENGTH? MIP/NIF
What would you use to evaluate the ADEQUACY OF VENTILATION? Ve, RR, RSBI
Which values would you use to differentiate between obstructive & restrictive conditions? FRC, RV, TLC
What test would assess for a/w hyper-responsiveness & inflammation ? Bronchoprovocation
What would you use to evaluate the cause of restrictive disorders & assess the feasibility of lung reduction surgery? Diffusing Capacity (DLCO)
A CBC can evaluate & assess for what? Hb, Hct, RBC; evaluate O2 carrying capacity & assess for Anemia
CHF - assess _______, give _____ and place on _____ with 100%. Watch for bilateral fluffy ______, ______wing appearance, or _______ b lines on cxr. CHF - assess ___BNP____, give __LASIX___ and place on _CPAP____ with 100%. Watch for bilateral fluffy _INFILITRATES_____, __BAT____wing appearance, or ___KERLEY____ b lines on cxr.
Pulm Embolism - assess _______and ______ and give a clot buster, such as _______ or ______and an anticoagulant (_______) Watch for ________ shaped atelectasis on cxr and decreasing _____. Pulm Embolism - assess __D-DIMER_____and __INR____ and give a clot buster, such as __STREPTOKINASE_____ or ___tPA___and an anticoagulant (___HEPARIN____) Watch for ____WEDGDE____ shaped atelectasis on cxr and decreasing __eTCO2___.
COPD - assess _______...will be less than _____ which supports COPD. COPD - assess ___FEV1%____...will be less than __70%___ which supports COPD.
For patients with COPD; Do NOT choose NITROGEN WASHOUT! WHY? Because it gives 100% O2 to your Patient.
What is another option aside from Nitrogen Washout that you recommend to evaluate Lung Volumes in a COPD patient? Helium Dilution or Body Plethysmography
FeNO would _______ with Asthma? Increase
ARDS - ________ appearance in cxr. Use ______ tidal volumes (_____ml/kg minimum) with higher peep. PaO2 range is _______. ARDS - _GROUND GLASS_______ appearance in cxr. Use __LOWER____ tidal volumes (___4__ml/kg minimum) with higher peep. PaO2 range is __55-80_____.
Increased troponin will indicate an acute ______ vs increased _____with CHF. ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION; INCREASED BNP
Cystic Fibrosis - _______clubbing at an early age with barrel chest. DIGITAL CLUBBING
What are some treatment recommendations for a patient with CF? Bronchodilator; CPT, Pulmozyme (Not Mucomyst) & Inhaled TOBI (antibiotic for Psuedomonas)
For a Patient with VAP; what would you recommend to get a sputum sample? What will this sample provide? Perform BAL to get sputum sample to isolate causative organism
Nueromuscular disease that has transient improvement of muscle weakness: Myasthenia Gravis
This neusomsuclar disease typically follows after an ACUTE INFECTION? Gillain Barre
Medications to give for Myasthenia Gravis? give cholinesterase inhibitor (EDROPHONIUM or NEOSTIGMINE) to see reverse of muscle weakness
What would you assess for a patient who has Guillain Barre? CSF protein count
What is a Cholinergic Crisis? If MG and no signs of reversal of muscle weakness following cholinesterase inhibitor-> RESULT OF EXCESSIVE MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION
If you seen a THUMBNAIL SIGN on a Peds CXR; this indicates: Epiglottitis
If you notice Epiglottitis on a CXR what should you recommend? Go to OR and perform controlled intubation
A STEEPLE sign on a CXR indicates: CROUP
What are some recommendations to treat CROUP? Cool Mist Aerosol & maybe racemic Epi
Neonates - premature baby with _______ ventilating pressures and _____tidal volumes= RDS = give _______ High ventilating Pressures & Low Tidal Volumes; Give Surfactant
After the administration of SURFACTANT this would result _____tidal volumes in PCV. This may lead to resp _______ After the administration of SURFACTANT this would result __INCREASED___tidal volumes in PCV. This may lead to resp ___ALKALOSIS____
How would you correct Respiratory Alkalosis for a Neonate who is in PCV? decrease insp pressure (PIP) to decrease delivered VT to reduce overall minute ventilation and correct resp alkalosis.
Created by: tumi6472
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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