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PT terms

Scorebuilders 2010

What is limited in bursitis? Active ROM secondary to pain and swelling
What is the definition of a contusion? A sudden blow to a part of the body that can result in mild to severe damage to superficial and deep structure
What does the treatment consist of for a contusion? Active ROM, ice and compression
An increased volume of fluid in the soft tissue outside of a joint capsule.A)Bursitis B)effusion C)edema edema
If you notice a positive Ballotment test of the knee what should you call the increased volume of fluid? Effusion because the increased volume of fluid in a joint capsule
Genu valgum of the knee (knock-knee) will increase compression to the _______ and increase stress to the __________. Lateral tibial condyle, medial structures
Genu varum of the knee will increase compression to the __________ and stress to the _______. Medial tibial condyle, lateral structures
What are common causes of kyphosis? Osteoporosis, compression fractures, poor posture secondary to paralysis
What are common causes of lordosis? Weak abs, pregnancy, excessive weight in the ab area, hip flexion contractures
A condition of heterotopic bone formation that occurs three to four weeks after a contusion or trauma within the soft tissue. Myositis ossificans
The thinning of bone matrix with eventual bone loss and an increased risk for fracture. Osteoporosis
What are the causative factors for osteoporosis? Decreased weight bearing, inactivity, family history, smoking, drinking
How is the diagnosis of osteoporosis made and what medicines are used to slow the process down? Bone density screening; Estrogen, calcium, vit D, calciotonin, fluoride
What is the landmarks for measuring the Q angle? ASIS to midpatella to the tibial tubercle
What is a normal Q angle for a male and female while supine with knee straight? Male 13 degrees; female 18 degrees
Where in the spine can scoliosis be located? Cervical, thoracic or lumbar
What are different classifications of scoliosis? Idiopathic, non-structural, structural
What is a shoulder dislocation? A true separation of the humerus from the glenoid fossa.
What is a shoulder separation? A disruption in the stability of the ac joint
An acute injury involving a ligament?A) strain B)sprain C) dislocation sprain
Grade I sprain: mild pain and swelling, little to no tear of the ligament
Grade II sprain: moderate pain and swelling, minimal instability of joint, minimal to moderate tearing of the ligament, decreased ROM
Grade III sprain: severe pain and swelling, substantial joint instability, total tear of the ligament, substantial decrease in ROM
At what grade of sprain is there joint instability? Grade II and III
What is a strain? An injury involving th musculotendinous unit that involves a muscle, tendon or thier attachments to bone.
Grade I strain? localized pain,minimal swelling, and tenderness
Grade II strain? localized pain, moderate swelling, tenderness, and impaired motor function
Grade III strain? a palpable defect in the muslce, severe pain and motor function
What are the symptoms of tendonitis? gradual onset, tenderness, swelling and pain
Created by: mbutterfly
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