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WC Middle East 1

Middle East 1, Ancestors of the West, Judaism

Diaspora During the middle ages, Jews began to be wildly persecuted
Tanakh Hebrew Scripures that are divided into three parts: The Torah, The Prophets, & The Writings
Shema The foundation of Jewish belief; "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our god, the Lord is one"
Torah "teachings" or "instructions"; refers to the first five books of the Bible
Rings of Interpretation 1) Written Torah -> Oral Torah 2) Mishnah- 200 CE 3) Talmud- based on Mishnah
Covenant an agreement between God & Israelites (Abraham)
Rosh Hashanah Festival of the new year- early fall
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement (repentance and confession)
Passover early spring- lasts 8 days; commemorates Exodus
Rites of Passage 1) Birth and naming 2) Coming of age 3) Marriage 4) Death & Mourning
Reform Jews Have taken on modern society and ways, don't eat kosher
Orthodox Strict beliefs, eat strictly kosher
Conservative take on some modern society, eat kosher
Wailing Wall most symbolically important landscape; at the edge of Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Jerusalem in major religions Sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims
The Promise Land Canaan in the Bible; Palestine by the Romans; Israel since 1948
1948 The Promise Land was named Israel
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob
2000-1500 B.C. 12 tribes of Israel; 12 sons of Jacob
1290 BCE Moses led the Hebrews our of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land-> Descendants arrived in Canaan;
1000-928 B.C. David unites the southern and northern kingdom
721 BCE kingdom was conquered by Assyrians
587 B.C. Kingdom was exiled
515 B.C. Temple rebuilt
332 B.C. Greek Conquest of Palestine under the rule of Alexander the Great
66 A.D. Jewish War
63 B.C. Roman Empire seizes control of the area
70 C.E exile and nero
7th century Classical Period continued until the Muslims conquered Palestine
Prophets Speak the word of God
Central Authority not vested in a single person; rests in tradition and writings
Interfaith conflict in Israel Judaism, Christianity, and Muslim, all claimed that they had the same holy land it caused conflict between the three
Zionism the international political movement that originally supported the reestablishment of a homeland for the Jewish people
Zoroastrianism followers in india; the Parsis of India; Zarathustra is the founder (6th century B.C.); monotheistic; 17 hymns or Gathas are oldest part of the Avesta
Ahura Mazda one true god of Zoroastrianism
Shaitih devil type figure of Zoroastrianism; hostile spirit
750 B.C. Homer
323 B.C. Death of Alexander the Great
Homeric Religion polytheistic
Olympic Games honored Zeus; held at Olympia
Oracles Gods communicated their desires and intentions through direct conversations with heroes, dreams ominous signs; Delphi;
Mystery Religions in Greece Offered alternative view to dark, Homeric view of afterlife; 3 Aspects: 1) individuals chose to be members and underwent initiation ritual 2) experienced personal encounter with deity 3) could hope for a better afterlife and spiritual renewal
Mystery Religions in Rome conquered large areas and adopted cultures and religions; Mithraism (favored cult of the Roman Army); Cult of goddess Isis (theme of overcoming death); Emperor worship- some emperors declared their divinity
Created by: racheldanielle4
Popular History sets




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