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AP Court Cases

all of the court cases.

Texas vs. Johnson protected flag burning
Osbourne vs. Ohio pornography
Reno vs. ACLU communications act is too restrictive
New York Times vs. Sullivan libel is unprotected
Cox vs. Louisiana right to assemble
Griswold vs. Connecticut abortion
Roe vs. Wade abortion
Webster vs. Reproductive Health Service tons of restrictions on abortions
Planned Parenthood vs. Casey no "undue burden" on women getting an abortion
Gitlow vs. New York "clear and present danger"
Emerson vs. Board of Education busing for public and private schools
Lemon vs. Kurtzman "lemon test" govt cant endorse religion
Engel vs. Vitale religon in school
Ablington School District vs. Schempp religion in school
Wallace vs. Jaffree neutrality toward religion
Lee vs. Weisman neutrality toward religion
Epperson vs. Arkansas pro-teaching evolution in schools
Edwards vs. Aguillard teaching creationism and evolution fails lemon test
Wisconson vs. Yoder religion in schools
Employment Division vs. Smith freedom of religion
City of Boerne vs. Flores freedom of religion. RFRA thrown out
Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris vouchers are constitutional
Schenck vs. USA things that are legal during peacetime arent always legal in wartime
Dennis vs. USA "clear and present danger"
Near vs. Minnesota no prior restraint
New York Times vs. USA no prior restraint (unless proven its a national security issue)
USA vs. Library Association internet filtering is constitutional
Ashcroft vs. Free Speech Coalition definition of obscenity is too broad
Tinker vs. Des Moines freedom of assembly
Furman vs. Georgia capital punishment
Gregg vs. Georgia capital punishment
Kelly vs. South Carolina rights of the accused
Atkins vs. Virginia capital punishment
Plessy vs. Ferguson "separate but equal"
Brown vs. Board of Education (I) repealed "separate but equal" came up with "with all deliberate speed"
Brown vs. Board of Education (II) sped up "with all deliberate speed"
Cooper vs. Aaron desegregation
Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education desegregation
National Organization for Women (NOW) vs. Scheidler abortion
Cruzan vs. Missouri euthanasia
Washington vs. Glucksberg ended doctor assisted suicide
Gideon vs. Wainwright right to an attorney
Betts vs. Brady right to an attorney
Miranda vs. Arizona "miranda rights" rights of the accused
Mapp vs. Ohio exclusionary rule; search and seizure
USA vs. Harriss lobbying
Bragdon vs. Abbot rights of the disabled
Martin vs. PGA rights of the disabled
Bowers vs. Hardwicke gay rights
Romer vs. Evans gay rights
Lawrence vs. Texas gay rights
Regents vs. Bakke affirmative action
Adarand Constructors vs. Pena affirmative action
Hopwood vs. Texas affimative action
Bradwell vs. Illinois women's rights
Mueller vs. Oregon women's rights
Dothard vs. Rawlinson women's rights
Rostker vs. Goldberg women's rights
Arizona vs. Norris women's rights
United States vs. Virginia women's rights
UAW vs. Johnson women's rights
Jones vs. Clinton women's rights
McCulloch vs. Maryland government can make a bank
Gibbons vs. Ogden supremacy clause
Texas vs. White states can't secede
Lopez vs. US guns
Printz vs. US guns
Scott vs. Sanford slavery
Created by: kpetersen1
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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