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chapter 3

circulatory and respiratory systems

Pector Pect + Tore Pector (Breast, Chest)Nerve Pain Pect+tore Latin
Pleura pluh + rah Pleura (rib side) Inflammation of exterior lung lining pluh + rah Greek
Pneumo new + mow Pneumo (lung) Lung excision new+mow Pneumon;air lung
Ptysis tie + sis Ptysis (to spit) bloody sputum tie + sis Greek
Pulmo pull + moe Pulmo (lungs) lungs, study of pull + moe Latin
Rhin Rhin (nose) Nose inflammation Rhine Greek
Tracheo tray + key + oh Tracheo (trachea, Windpipe) trachea opening tray + key + oh Greek
Broncho bronk + oh Broncho (Bronchi, Airway) Bronchial inflammation bronk + oh Greek
Cili sill + ee Cili (hairlike processes) cili forming sill + ee Latin
Ectasis ek + ta + sis Ectasis (expansion) abnormal expansion ek + ta + sis Greek
Laryngo la + ring + go Laryngo (larynx, voice box) larynx inflammation la +ring + go Greek
Naso nay + so Naso (nose) nose, study of nay + so Latin
Oro ore + oh Oro (mouth)mouth and face ore + oh Greek
Oxy ox + ee Oxy (Oxygen, keen) Keen sense of smell ox + ee Greek
Angio an + gee + oh Angio (vessel) vessel study an + gee + oh Greek
Aortal ay + o r + tuh Aortal (aorta, main artery) aorta pain ay+ o r + tuh Greek
Arterio ar + teer + ee + oh Arterio (artery) condition of hard arteries ar + teer + ee + oh Greek
Cardio Cardio (heart) Study of heart car + dee + oh Greek
Emboli em + bo + lie Emboli (Vessel obstruction) embolus, removal of em + bo + lie Greek
Emia em + ee + uh Emia (blood) without blood em + ee + uh Greek
Hema he + muh Hema, Hemo (Blood) blood tumor he + muh, he + moe Greek
Phleb fleab Phleb (vein) vein incision fleab Greek
Thrombo throm + bow Thrombo (blood clot) clotted vein throm + bow Greek
Varico vair + ee + co Varico (varicose veins) twisted veins, tumor vair + ee + co Latin
Vaso Vaso (blood vessel) tightened vessel Latin
Vena Vena (vein) large vein vee + nuh Latin
Ventricu ven + trick + you Ventricu (heart cavity) ventricle inflammation ven + trick + you Latin
Created by: anndee1971
Popular Medical sets




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