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OM Diagnosis

OM Diagnosis Deffentiation of Syndromes

SyndromCauseSymptomsTreatment Plan
Extr Heat Syn Heat factor invade Extr of body fever+mild aversion to wind, slight thirst, presp, possible sore throat, slight red tongue w/ yellow t/c, supfc rapid pulse use pungent cold diaphoretic herbs to dispel extr heat
Intr Def cold Def of Yang Qi low spirit, pale face, chill, cold extrmt, abdm pain better by pressure+warm, loose stool, clear urine, weak body, pale tongue, faint or deep slow weak pulse Warm up Yang Qi
Intr Excess Cold severe cold at Intr of body & obstruction of Yang Qi chill, prefer warm, pale face, cold extrmt, abdm pain worse by pressure, dysnea, thick white greasy t/c, deep tense or tense wiry pulse Warm body & dispel cold factor
Intr Def Heat Yin def lead to Intn heat production tidal fever, night sweating, emaciation, warm palm soles, dry mount + throat, red tougue, scanty or no t/c, thready rapid pulse nourish Yin to dispel Intn heat
Intn Exc Heat acum/exub of heat in Body High fever , extrm thirst, disorientation, semi unconc, coma, delirium, constp, abdm full & distension, abdm pain worse by pressure, dark urine, red to, yellow t/c, full rapid pulse clear and purge heat
Extr Heat Syn Heat factor invade Extr of body fever+mild aversion to wind, slight thirst, presp, possible sore throat, slight red tongue w/ yellow t/c, supfc rapid pulse use pungent cold diaphoretic herbs to dispel extr heat
Intn Exc Heat acum/exub of heat in Body High fever , extrm thirst, disorientation, semi unconc, coma, delirium, constp, abdm full & distension, abdm pain worse by pressure, dark urine, red to, yellow t/c, full rapid pulse clear and purge heat
Extr Def Syn Wind factor invade Intr aversion to wind, fever headache, spon sweating, thin white t/c, supfc moderate pulse dispel extr wind & harmonize Ying & Wei
Extr Def Syn Wind factor invade Intr aversion to wind, fever headache, spon sweating, thin white t/c, supfc moderate pulse dispel extr wind & harmonize Ying & Wei
Extr(Exc) Cold Syn Cold factor invade Extr of body chill+fever, muscle+headache, neck stiff, no persp, thin white t/c, supfc tense pulse use pungent warm diaphoretic herbs to dispel extr cold
Created by: djraspberry
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