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Med Terms

Review of Med Terms

Posterior situated behind, pertaining to or located at or toward the back, synonyms: caudal, dorsal
Superior higher than, situated above something else, better than, one in charge of others
Postero (prefix) posterior, situated behind, toward the back
Anterior before; in front of, in anatomical nomenclature, refers to the ventral or abdominal side
Bilateral pertaining to or affecting two sides
Medial pertaining to the middle, nearer to the midline plane; toward the midline plane
Ventral pertaining to the venter (belly), toward the belly of the organism
Distal farthest from the center, from a medial line, or from the trunk; opposed to proximal
Proximal nearest the point of attachment, center of the body, or point of reference; opposite of distal
Lateral pertaining to the side, farther from the midline plane; away from the midline plane
Cephalad toward the head
Inferior beneath; lower, used medically in reference to the undersurface of an organ or indicating structure below another structure
Dorsal pertaining to the dorsum (back), lying on the back with face upward; supine, toward the back
Unilateral affecting or occurring on only one side
Prone horizontal with the face downward, denoting the hand with the palm turned downward, opposite of supine
Supine lying on the back with face upward; dorsal, a position of the hand or foot with the palm or foot facing upward; the opposite of prone
Erythrocytes a circulating cell that contains hemoglobin and carries oxygen to the tissue,synonym: red blood cell
Remission a lessening in severity or an abatement of symptoms, period during which symptoms abate, period when no evidence of underlying disease exists
Benign not recurrent or progressive; nonmalignant
Systemic related or pertaining to a system, pertaining to the blood flow that leaves the left ventricle to deliver oxygen to the body as distinct from the blood flow that leaves the right ventricle to become oxygenated in the lungs
Leukocyte any of several kinds of colorless or nearly colorless cells of the immune system that circulate in the blood and lymph, comprise granulocytes and agranulocytes, synonym: white blood cell
Histology the study of the microscopic structure of tissue
Pathologist a medical professional trained to examine tissues, cells, and specimens of body fluids for evidence of disease
Somatogenic originating in the body
Hyperplasia an abnormal increase in the number of normal cells in an organ or tissue with no evidence of cancer, synonym: hypergenesis
-stasis (suffix) condition of standing still; staying in one place
Oncology the branch of medicine dealing with cancer
Oncogenic (adjective for Oncogenesis) tumor formation and development
Mediolateral concerning the middle and side of a structure
Dysuria painful or difficult urination
Pathology the study of the nature and cause of disease, which involves changes in structure and function, a condition produced by disease
Myopathy any congenital or acquired muscle disease, marked clinically by focal or diffuse muscular weakness
lipoma a benign fatty tumor, they often appear in crops on the arms or trunk but are not metastatic
cyto (prefix) cell
cyano (prefix) blue
cell the basic unit of life
tissue a group or collection of similar cells and their intercellular substance that perform a particular function
organ a body structure made of several tissues that all contribute to specific functions
system an organized grouping of structures, such as a group of cells that perform a particular function
ad lib freely; as desired
DNR do not resuscitate
HTN hypertension
LLE left lower extremity
LUQ left upper quadrant
noct. in the night
Bx biopsy
PRN, p.r.n. as needed
stat. immediately
UA urinalysis
̅p (line on top) after
̅a (line on top) before
A-P anterior-posterior
DOB date of birth
Hx, hx history
LLQ lower left quadrant
MDI metered-dose inhaler
NPO; n.p.o. nothing by mouth
PCA patient-controlled analgesia
Pt platinum; patient
PT prothrombin time; physical therapy
pt pint
Sx symptoms
URI upper respiratory infection
b.i.d., bid twice a day
ECG/EKG electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph
I&O intake and output
LLL left lower lobe
mEq milliequivalent
OOB out of bed
PICC peripherally inserted central catheter
q every
T temperature
WNL within normal limits
BM bowel movement
Gtt, gtt drops
IM intramuscular
lmp last menstrual period
mg milligram
OR operating room
PMH past medical history
ROM range of motion
P, p melting point
wt. weight
̅c (line on top) with
̅s (line on top) without
bpm beats per minute
GU genitourinary
kg kilogram
LOC level/loss of consciousness
mm millimeter
O.S. left eye
post. posterior
RLQ right lower quadrant
R,r roentgen (unit of exposure to x-rays or gamma rays)
a.c., ac before a meal
BP blood pressure
HCT, Hct hematocrit
lb pound
LUE left upper extremity
MVA motor vehicle accident
os mouth; opening
PO; p.o. by mouth; orally
t.i.d. three times a day
p.c. after meals
c/o complains of
hgb hemoglobin
LE lower extremity; lupus erythematosus
LUL left upper lobe
NKA no known allergies
OTC over-the-counter
p.r. through the rectum
SOB shortness of breath
Tx Treatment
yo years old
Dx diagnosis
O2 oxygen
Arthr/o joint
Hepat/o liver
Ven/o vein
Oste/o bone
Intra within; in; into
Sub under; beneath; in small quantity; less than normal
Lip/o lipid (fat)
Viscer/o large internal organs (viscera)
Cyan/o blue
Erythr/o red
Leuk/o white; white blood cell
Melan/o black
Hypo below; deficient, less than, under; beneath
Hyper above; more than normal, excessive; beyond
Super/o above; beyond; superior
Later/o side
Medi/o middle
-itis inflammation of; infection of
-ous pertaining to; possessing; full of
-pathy disease; suffering
-megaly enlargement of a body part
-genesis producing; forming
-cyte cell
-ology science of; study of
-ior pertaining to
-path disease; suffering
Created by: 768594540
Popular Medical sets




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