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Counterstrain Physio

WVSOM Class of 2012 Counterstrain Physiology and Mechanisms

what are the different causes of somatic dysfunction? Disruption of one element, Disrupted interrelationship of elements, Loss of integrity of the whole system
summarize the counterstrain hypothesis of dysfunction: muscle is responsive tissue, nervous system coordinates, proprioceptive system manages spatial relationship (primary hypothesis), model of learned behavior
summarize the nociceptive hypothesis of dysfunction: central sensitization, long term potentiation, genetic changes in spinal interneuron pool
information from sensory receptors to the central nervous system (CNS) is what nerve? afferent
information from the CNS to functional motor end organs is what nerve? efferent
nerve endings of unmyelinated C fibers-sensing of noxious (harmful) stimulus, i.e. pain defines what? nociception
which efferent nerves run from CNS to extrafusal fibers (outside the muscle spindle in the muscle belly)? alpha motor nerves
which efferent nerves run from CNS to intrafusal fibers (within the muscle spindle)? gamma motor nerves
which model of somatic dysfunction tends to be functional, emphasizing how things are regulated? neuroregulatory model
which model of somatic dysfunction tends to emphasize asymmetric position and resistance of motion? postural structural model
the neurological model of somatic dysfunction has what three tenets? Altered or dysfunctional proprioceptive reflexes, Sustained Reflex to nociception, or a combination of both
the strain-counterstrain model of somatic dysfunction has what four tenets? trauma or sudden strain causes proprioceptive dysregulation; spindle afferents send inaccurate muscle; lack of co-ordination of agonist and antagonist; and dysfunctional hypertonia creates tenderness and is painful
what are the 4 elements of reflex coordination? Sensation-a stimulus and sensor; Connectivity to an association area; Connectivity a motor response element;A loop of ongoing traffic
where do proprioceptors occur? Muscles, Tendons, Joints, Fascia, Labyrinth of the ear, and Vision
name a highly specialized sensory organ of a muscle unit that senses stretch and rate of stretch muscle spindle
what can muscle spindle proprioceptors detect? Absolute joint position, change in position, rate of change (velocity), and force (acceleration)
what is the strain-counterstrain hypothesis? Inappropriate co-ordination of alpha and gamma motor systems within muscle (voluntary and involuntary systems); mismatched resting tone between muscle and its reflex linked antagonist, and sustained contraction causes pain
what is the nociception hypothesis? A pain event, once initiated, can facilitate muscle contraction at the segmental cord level, with central mediation, including increased sympathetic tone
how does counterstrain resolve tender point-nociception to pressure? Shortening the muscle, holding for 90 seconds, slow return to neutral
in the counterstrain theory, what happens to a hyper-shortened muscle? it gets suddenly lengthened
how does counterstrain seem to work? turning off the gamma afferent signal by shortening the muscle
what is the evidence that supports Nociceptive model of Somatic Dysfunction pain associated with clinical complaint of dysfunction; anatomical circuits support the hypothesis; animal data (including spinalized preparations) of hypertonia in response to noxious stimuli; alteration of reflexes by pharmacologic blocking of pain rece
what is an example of the difference between pain and nociception? nociception is when you touch something hot-your brain tells you to move your hand before the sensation of pain is felt
Created by: mhassan
Popular Osteopathic Principl sets




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