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Cell Division

WVSOM Class of 2012 Cell Division

fertilization occurs within how many days of ovulation 24 hours
blastocyst formation and implantation occurs when? day 6
primitive streak gastrulation occurs when? day 15 to week 4
somite formation is completed when? week 5
teratogenic period occurs when? week 3 to 8
what is the purpose of mitosis? somatic cell division to allow equal segregation of replicated genomes (each daughter cell gets a set of genes)
what is the purpose of meiosis? germ cell line division, reduce genomes in half
what are the 4 phases of interphase? G1, G0, S, G2
which phase of interphase has DNA replication? S
germ line consists of which 3 elements? reproductive cells, gametes (1n), gametic stem cells (2n)
what are x-shaped formation produced at the synapse? chiasma
what 5 events occur during prophase in mitosis? centrosomes separate, nucleus dissociates, spindles form, chromasomes condense, and sister chromatids form bipartites
what occurs during metaphase? centromeres attach to spindle in metaphase plane
what occurs during anaphase? sister chromatids are drawn to opposite poles of the spindle
what occurs during telophase? reverse of prophase: spindle dissociates, chromosomes unravel, nuclear membrane reforms around each set of chromatids
nuclear division at the completion of mitosis is called what? karyokinesis
what are the steps of meiotic prophase I? (same as mitosis except that chromatids are already bipartites)1. bipartites become bivalents 2. crossing over occurs with the synaptinemal complexes 3. homologs repel each other and open chiasmas 4. the synaptinemal complex dissociates 5. spindle formati
where do oocytes arrest during meiosis? during prophase I, after the synaptinemal complex dissociates
what happens after meiotic prophase I? same process as mitosis except that during anaphase I, the bivalents separate into bipartites and are pulled to opposite sides of the spindle
what are the products of meiosis? 4 haploid daughter cells
matching chromosomes from different parents are called what? homologs
duplicated chromosomal strands produced in DNA replication are called what? chromatids
joined chromosomes are called what? bipartite
all four homologs joined is called what? bivalent
another word for bivalent is what? tetrad
Created by: mhassan
Popular Genetics sets




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