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3rd grade Coram Deo

St. Augustine converts to Christianity 386
Barbarian Invasion and Vikings c. 400 – 1000
St. Jerome Completes the Vulgate 405
The Council of Chalcedon 451
St. Benedict and Monasticism c. 540
Justinian the Great 527 – 565
Mohammed and Islam 570 – 632
Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne 714 – 814
Alfred the Great 871 – 901
Otto I and the Holy Roman Empire 962 – 973
The East-West Schism 1054
The Feudal System c. 1000 – 1400
William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings 1066
Cathdrals in Europe c. 1100
The Crusades 1095 – c. 1250
St. Francis of Assisi 1182 – 1224
The Magna Carta 1215
St. Thomas Aquinas 1225 – 1274
Marco Polo 1254 – 1324
The Hundred Years War, The Black Death, and Joan of Arc 1337 – 1453
The Great Papal Schism 1376 – 1417
John Wycliff and John Huss 1380
Fall of Constantinople to Mohammed II 1453
Gutenberg Prints the Bible 1456
The Renaissance 1300 – 1517
The Inquisition 1478
Martin Luther Begins the Reformation 1517
Ulrich Zwingli and the Anabaptists 1525
The Act of Supremacy 1534
John Calvin and the Institutes 1536
The Council of Trent 1545 – 1563
John Knox, the Scottish Reformer 1560
Created by: slgarland
Popular History sets




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