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ch, 22 psych vocab

ch. 22 psychiatry vocabulary

amnesia loss of memory
anxiety varying of uneasiness, apprehension, palpitations, tightness in chest, breathless, choking sensation
apathy absence of emotions; lack of interst or emotional involvement
autism severe lack of responsiveness to others, preoccupation with inner thoughts
compulsion uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly
conversion anxiety becomes a bodily symptom,such as blindness,deafness,or paralysis, that does not have an organic basis
delusion a fixed false belief that cannot be changed by logical reasoning or evidence
dissociation uncomfortable feelings are separated from their real object
dysphoria sadness,hopelessness;depressive mood
euphoria exaggerated feeling of well-being
hallucination false or unreal sensory perception
labile unstable;undergoing rapid emotional change
mania state of excessive excitability; hyperactivity and agitation
mutism nonreactive state; stupor
obsession an involuntary;persistent idea or emotion
paranoia delusions or persecution or grandeur or combinations of the two
antisocial no loyalty to or concern for others, and without moral standards; acts only in response to desires or impulses,cannot tolerate frustration and blames others when she or he is at fault
borderline instability in interpersonal relationship and sense of self;characterized by alternating involvement with and rejection or people
histrionic emotional,attention-seeking,immature and dependent;irrational outburst and tantrums;flamboyant and theatrica;having general dissatisfaction w/ones seld & angry feelings about the worls
narcissistic grandiose sense of self importance or uniqueness and preoccupation with fantasies of success and power
paranoid continually suspicious and mistrustful of other people but not to a psychotic or delusional degree;jealou and overly concerned w/hidden motives or others;quick to take offense
schizoid emotionally cold & aloof; indifferent to praise or critism or to the feelings of ohers;few friendship and rarely appearsto experience strong emotions,such as anger or joy
exibitionism compulsive need to expose one's body,particularly the genitals,to an unsuspecting stranger
fetishism the use of nonliving objects(articles of clothing) as substitutes for a human sexual love object
pedophilia sexual urges and fantasies involving sexual activity w/prepubescent child
sexual masochism sexual gratification is gained by being humiliated,beaten,bound,or othewrwise mafe to suffer by another person
sexual sadism sexual gratification is gained by inflicting physical or psychological pain or humiliation on others
transvestic fetishism cross-dressing;
voyeurism sexual excitement is achieved by observing unsuspecting people who are naked undressing or engaging in sexual activity
affect the external expression of emotion,or emotional response
anorexia nervosa an eating disorder of excessive dieting and refusal to maintain a normal body weight
anxiety disorders chracterized by unpleasant tension,distress,and avoidance behaviour,ie/phobias,ocd,post-traumatic stress disorder
bipolar disorder alternating periods of mania and depression
bulimia nervosa eating disorder of binge eating followed by vomiting,purging,and depression
conversion disorder physical symptom w/no organic basis,appearing as a result of anxiety and conflict
defense mechanism unconscious technique a person uses to resolve or conceal conflicts and anxiety
delirium confusion in thinking:faulty perceptions and irrational behaviour
dementia loss of intellectual abilities w/impairement of memory,judgment,and reasoning as well as changes in personality
depression major mood disoirder w/chronic sadness,loss of energy,hopelessness,worry,and discouragment,commony suicial impulses and thoughts
dissociative disorder chronic or sudden distrurbance of memory,identity,or consciousness dissociative identity disorder amnesia & fugue
ego control coordinating branch of the personality
fugue amnesia w/flight from customary surroundings
gender identity disorder stong and persistent cross-gender indentification w/ the opposite sex
id major unconscious part of the personality;energy from instinctual drives and desires
intelligence (IQ ) test a standardized test designed to determine mental age of an individial by measuring capacity to absrob information and solve problems
mood disorders prolonged emotion dominates a persons life; examples are biploar and depressive disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorder anxiety disorder in which recurrent thoughts and repetitive acts dominate behaviour
paraphilia recurrent intese sexual urge,fantasy or behaviour that involves unusual objects,activities,or situations
personality disorders lifelong personality patterns marked by inflexibility and impairement of social functioninh
phobia irrational or disabling fear of an object or situation
post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety-related symptoms appear following exposure to personal experience of traumatic event
projective (personality) test diagnostic,personality test that uses unstructered stimuli to evoke responses that reflect aspects of an individuals personality
psychiatrist physician w/medical training in the diagnosis,prevention and treatment of mental disorders
psychologist individuak specializing in mental processes and how the brain functions in health and disease
psychosis impairement of mental capacity to recognize reality,communicate,and relate to others
reality testing ability to perceive fact from fantasy; severly impaired in psychoses
repression defense mechanism by which unacceptable thoughts,feelings,and impulses are automatically pushed into the unconscious
schizophrenia withdrawal from reality into an inner world of disorganized thinking and conflict
sexual disorders disorders or paraphilias and sexual dysfunctions
somatoform disorders having physical symptoms that cannot be explained by any actual physical disorder or other well-described mental disorder such as depression
substance related disorders regular overuse of psychoactive substances that affect the central nervous system
superego internalized conscience and moral part of the personality
amphetamines central nervous system stimulants that may be used to treat depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
benzodiazepines drugs that lessen anxiety, tension, agitation and panic attacks
cognitive beaviour therapy conditioning is used to relieve anxiety and improve symptoms of illness
electroconvulsive thereapy electric current is used to produce convulsions in the treatment of depression
family therapy treatment of an entire family to resolve and understand conflicts
free association psychoanalytic technique in which the patient verbalizes, without censorship, the passing contents of his or her mind
group therapy group of patients with similar problesm gain insight into their personlities through discussion and interaction with eachother
hypnosis trance is used to increase the pace of psychotherapy
insight-oriented therapy face to face discussion of life problems and associated feelings
lithium medication used to treat the manic stage of manic-depression illness
neuroleptic drug any drug that favourably modifies psychotic symptoms
phenothiazines tranquilizers used to treat psychoses
play therapy treatment in which a child through use of toys in a playroom setting expresses conflict and feelings unable to be communicated in a direct manner
psychoanalysis treatment that allows the patient to explore inner emotions and conflicts so as to understand and change current behaviour
psychodrama Group therapy in which a patient expresses feelings by acting out roles with other patients
psychopharmacology Treatment of psychiatric disorders with drugs
sedatives drugs that lessen anxiety
supportive pschotherapy offering encouragement, support, and hope to patients facing difficult life transitions and events
transference psychoanalytic process in which the patient relates to the therapist as he or she did to a prominent childhood figure
tricyclic antidepressants drugs used to treat severe depression; thee-ringed fused structure
Created by: funnykitty24
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