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Unit 2 APHG

Population and migration

arithmetic density the population of a country or region as an average per unit area
physiological density the number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land
do distribution maps maps where different dots represent a number of people
megalopolis designated coalescing super cities
census official periodic count of people in a region
doubling time the amount of time it takes for a population to double
natural increase population growth measured as excess of birth rates minus birth deaths
crude birth rate the number of births yearly per thousand
crude death rate number of deaths yearly per thousand
demographic transition Multistage model of changes in population growth showed by industrial countries
stationlary population level a level where national population ceases to grow
population composition aspects of population
population pyramid a pyramid that displays percentages of each age group and gender in the total population
infant moratlity rate the number of deaths of babies less than one year old (out of thousand)
child morality rate the number of deaths of children 1-5 years old (out of thousand)
life expectancy the average someone is expected to live
expansive population policies Government policies that encourage large families and population growth
eugenic population policies GOvernment policies to try and favor one race over another
restrictive population policies government policies that try to encourage small families and discourage population growth
nomadism movement among definite set of places often cyclic movement
migrant labor type of periodic movement where people move across borders for work
transhumance seasonal periodis movement of pastoralists and their livestock
migration a change in residence intended to be permanent
international migration human movement across international borders
internal migration human movement within national borders
forced migration humand movement where the people have no choice but to move
voluntary migrateion migration where people chose to migrate
laws of migration developed by British Demographer to predict flow of migration
gravity model a mathimatical prediction of interaction of places
pull factors positive conditions that attract imigrants
push factors Negative conditions that induce emigrants to leave
step migration migration to a distant location in stages (villiage to town to city)
intervening opportunity the presence of a nearer opportunity that greatly diminishes the appeal of the far site
kinship links Pattern of migration that develops whien migrants decisions of location is where family and friends have found success
chain migration pattern of migration that develops when a migrant moves and contacts friends or kin
imigration waves phenomenon where different [atterms pf chain migration build to make a swell in migration
colonization Physical process where colonizer takes over area
islands of development place built by government or corperation to attract foreign investment
guest worker legal immigrant who has a work visa
refugee people who have fled their country because of political persecution
internal refugee people who have been dispolaced within international borders
international refuggee refugees who crossed 1 or more international border during dislocation
asylum shelter and protection for refugees
immigration laws laws and regulations of a state designed specifically to control immigration
quotas established bu gov. to only allow so many immigrants in a year
selective immigrataion Process to control immigration whish individuals with certain background are barred out
age-sex distribution a model that describes the ages and number of boys and girls within a given population
baby boom a cohort of individuals born in US between 1946-1964
baby bust period of time in 1960s and 70s where birth rates in US dropped (baby boonm gen sought education)
census tract small country subdivisions
cohort population group undefined by a specific trait
Cotton Belt the term by which American South used to be known as historically dominated by agricultural economy of region
dependency ratio pendency ration
emigration ratio # of people who are too old or young to provide work
exponential growth growth of a population when fixed percentage is added to population each year
intervening obstacels any force or factors that may limit human migration
Rust belt The northern industrial states of the US which heavy industry was once dominant economy
carrying capacity the largest # of people an enviornment can sustain
demography the study of human populations
Generation X people born in US between 1965 - 1980
involuntary migration forced migration
Sun belt US region which has grown dramatically since WWII
Created by: ekajiwara6207
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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