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Stack #89009

Common Conditions and Diseases of the Sensory System

achromatopsia color blindness
anacusis total absence of hearing
astigmatism abnormal curving of the cornea causing distorted vision
acoustic neuroma benign tumor whose pressure can cause progressive hearing loss
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelids
cataract lens of the eye becomes cloudy, decreases vision
chalazion tumor or mass on the eyelid
choleseatoma chronic disease of the tympanic membrane forming a cyst in the middle ear
conjunctivitis inflammation of the conjunctiva
corneal abrasion injury to the cornea
deafness hearing impairment of inability to hear
diabetic retinopathy edema and hemorrhages in the retina from diabetes that can lead to blindness
diplopia seeing double images
episcleritis inflammation of the subconjunctival layer of the sclera
estropia inward turning of the eye
exotropia outward turning of the eye
glaucoma intraocular pressure increase that can cause atrophy of the optic nerve and blindness
hearing impairment a degree of hearing loss causing impairment
hernianopia loss of half of the visual field, common in stroke
hordeolum sty, inflammation of a sebaceous gland of the eye
hyperopia farsightedness, can see far away but not close up
iritis inflammation of the iris
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
labyrinthitis inflammation of the inner ear
macular degeneration deterioration of the retina
Meniere's disease condition of the labyrinth, episodic vertigo and hearing loss that can lead to deafness
myopia nearsightedness, can see items up-close but not far away
nystagmus involuntary eye movements, rapid jerking
otitis externa swimmers ear, inflammation of the external ear canal
otitis media acute or chronic inflammation or infection of the middle ear
otomycosis fungal infection of the auditory canal
otosclerosis abnormal growth of bone at the stapes causing progressive hearing loss
papilledema edema and inflammation of the optic nerve
presbyopia visual loss due to age
pterygium thickening of the conjuctiva causing overgrowth of the cornea
ptosis upper eyelid drooping
retinal detachment retina seperates from the choroid causing blindness
retinitis pigmentosa progressive disease, the retina hardens and atrophy occurs, causing blindness
retinoblastoma malignant tumor of the eye
scotoma blind spot in the vision field
strabismus lazy eye or crossed eyes, the muscles of the eye are weak
vestibular neuritis inflammation of the vestibular nerve
Created by: kate8686
Popular Medical sets




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