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NutriTest3 Minerals

1-25 Major & 26-41 Trace

Calcium is associated with this disease in older persons osteoporosis
Reduction of this mineral can prevent water retention and <blood pressure sodium
Plasma potassium levels are critical to what action in the body heart
This mineral is needed to maintain gastric acidity chloride
Upper Tolerable Limit of sodium for adults 2300mg/da
Mineral present in greatest amount in body calcium
May cause withdraw of calcium from bones immobility
Hormone that regulates excretion of sodium aldosterone
Solutes (ions) in body fluids that influence water balance electrolytes
Binding substances of calcium that hinder absorption oxalates & phytates
Best food sources for calcium milk & dairy products
Plasma protein that has the most colloidal osmotic pressure that maintains water balance (prevents water retention) albumin
Clinical roles of calcium in blood nerve impulses & muscle contractions
Function of sulfur form keratin in hair & nails
Mineral found in intra-cellular fluid & balances with extra-cellular sodium potassium
Important physiologic functions of phosphorus general metabolism & bone formation
Physiological function of potassium (i.e. offsets pressor effect of sodium) lower blood pressure
Hormone that causes kidney to retain water ADH
Prevents dehydration (does not work well in elderly) thirst mechanism
80% of this mineral is lost when the germ & bran are removed from grain magnesium
Adequate intake of sodium for adults ages 19-50 1500mg/da
Diet rich in calcium (low fat milk) & potassium (lots of fruits & veggies) that lowers blood pressure DASH
Name of minerals that serve as electrolytes (are free & carry an electrical charge) ions
Adequate intake of calcium for adults ages 19-50 (more for persons >50) 1000mg/da
Influences water content in persons body (direct relationship) muscle mass
Caused by a deficiency of iodine goiter & cretinisim
Copper & iron aid in the synthesis of this substance hemoglobin
Aids in glucose metabolism & insulin action chromium
Mineral that aids in synthesis of Thyroxin iodine
Lack of this mineral is associated with decreased sense of smell & taste zinc
Second most common type of malnutrition in the world iron deficiency anemia
Effect of overuse of iron supplementation hemochromatosis
Prevents erosive effect of bacterial acid on tooth structure fluoride
Mineral associated with formation of B12 cobalt
Natural food source for iodine seafood
Mineral most associated with hemoglobin formation iron
Important function of zinc wound healing
Aids in absorption of iron vitamin C & acidic environment in stomach from HCl
Best food source of iodine for most people table salt
Iron needed for oxygen transport as well as brain & cognitive function
Source of fluoride fish, tea, water if added
Created by: casiejulie
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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