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Med Language Ch. 13

Turley -Obstetrics and Gynecology

gynec/o- female;woman
obstetr/o- pregnancy and childbirth
ovary small,egg shaped gland that contain the ova (eggs)
oophor/o- ovary
gon/o- seed
ova (singular-ovum) egg
adnexa accessory connecting parts (ovaries and uterine tubes collectively)
Fallopian tubine, uterine tube, oviduct tube that transports the ovum from the ovary to the uterus
uterus inverted, pear shaped organ where a fertilized ovum attaches and develops
endometrium innermost layer of tissue in the uterus, which is shed during menstruation
myometrium smooth muscular fibers which make up the middle layer of the uterus
my/o- muscle
end/o- within
labi/o- lip
oogenesis process of forming a mature ovum
gamete mature ovum or spermatozoa
para (followed by a number) number of times woman has given birth
gravida (followed by a number) number of times a woman has been pregnant
zygote resulting cell of an ovum fertilized by a spermatozoon (has 46 chromosomes)
amniotic fluid fluid inside the uterus in which the developing zygote/embryo/fetus floats
embryo between 4 days and 8 weeks of development
fetus after 8 weeks of development
gestation period of development within the uterus from conception to delivery (average 40 weeks)
lactation production of milk
postpartum after childbirth
colostrum first milk which is thick and yellow
parturition process of labor and childbirth
meconium first stool (thick, greenish black, sticky substance)
follicle small area in the ovary that holds an oocyte before puberty and a maturing ovum after puberty
cervix narrow, most inferior part of the uterus
menstruation process in which the endometrium of the uterus is shed each month
products of conception the fetus, placenta, and all fluids and tissue in the pregnant uterus
placenta large, pancake like organ that develops from the chorion and provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus (and removes waste products and C02)
chorion cells in a zygote that send out fingerlike projections (villi) to penetrate the endometrium to bring nutrients and oxygen to the embryo
neonate newborn from the time of birth until 1 year of age (born between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation)
preterm or premature neonate born between 28 to 37 weeks of gestation
anovulation failure of the ovaries to relase a mature ovum at the time of ovulation
salping/o- uterine or fallopian tube
endometriosis condition in which endometrial tissue grows in abnormal places
leiomyoma benign smooth muscle tumor of the myometrium
amenorrhea absence of monthly menstrual periods
uterine fibroids benign fibrous tumor of the myometrium
uterine prolapse descent of the uterus from its normal position
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
menopause normal cessation of menstrual periods, occurring around middle age
oligomenorrhea very light or irregular menstrual periods
cervical dysplasia abnormal growth of squamous cells in the surface layer of the cervix (may be cancerous or pre-cancerous)
rectocele herniation of the rectum into the vagina
cystocele herniation of the bladder in the vagina
-cele hernia
breech presentation the presenting part of the fetus is the buttocks, not the head
polyhydramnios increased volume of amniotic fluid
preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with incresed blood pressure, edema, weight gain and proteinuria
spontaneous abortion miscarriage
Pap smear screening cytology to detect abnormal cells in the cervix
hysterosalpingography radiographic examination using contrast material of the uterus and fallopian tubes to visualize scarring, narrowing or blockage as well as uterine abnormalities
hyster/o- uterus
Apgar score procedure that assigns a score to a newborn at 1 and 5 minutes after birth.
oophorectomy removal of an ovary
salpingectomy removal of a fallopian tube
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
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