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six kingdoms


In the days of Aristotle, into how many groups (kingdoms) were living things organized? What were the groups? Two, plants and animals
What is phylogeny? How organisms are related through evolution
What are the names of the six kingdoms? Animals, Plants, Fungi,Protista, Eubacteria, Archaea
What 3 basic shapes do eubacteria come in? Spheres(Coccus), rods (Bacillus) and spirals(spirillum)
What does the word pathogenic mean? Are most bacteria pathogenic? Pathogenic bacteria are the kind that make you sick, No most bacteria are NOT pathogenic.
Name two ways eubacteria are helpful. 1. decomposers, help make food, nitrogen fixing to help plants
Bacteria are divided into two kingdoms; Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. What makes these two kingdoms different from the other four? They have no nucleus.
Where do archaebacteria live? In extreme environments like deep sea trenches and hot springs and the great salt lakes.
Archaebacteria are prokaryotic. What does Prokaryotic mean? No nucleus.
What are three types of archaebacteria? Methanogens, halophiles, psychorphiles, thermophiles, acidophiles
How is the Kingdom Protista divided? It is divided by how they get their food. Plant like protists create food by sunlight animal like protists capture their food and fungus like protits decompose or absorb the nutrients of others.
Name an animal-like protist that captures food. Amoebas or protozoans
What is the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic? auto- means self feeding hetero- means they feed on others
Why are fungi important to the ecosystem? they decompose and recycle the nutrients and some are eaten as food
How do Fungi obtain food? by sucking up nutrients made by other organisms, they digest it outside of their bodies, then absorb it
Why are fungi no longer in the plant kingdom? Why do they have a kingdom of their own? They are not autotrophic, they are heterotrophic. They can not make their own food like plants.
What are hyphae? How do they help fungi? They are tiny threads the fungi use to attach themselves to their food or other organisms to be carried about.
How can humans use fungi? For food or medecine.
For what do plants need water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide? To make food, photsynthesis and to survive
What makes up the wall of plant cells? Plant cells have rigid walls made of cellulose
What are the characteristics of an animal? multicellular, eat food to survive (heterotrophic), eukaryotic (cells have a nucleus), no cell walls
What are the four groups of plants? Bryophytes or nonvascular, seedless vascular, seed plants angiosperms and gymnosperms
What does gymnosperm and angiosperm mean? gymnosperm means- naked seed and angiosperm means enclosed seed
What are tow categories of angiosperms? monocots and dicots
What charateristics do all plants have in common? autotrophic (make their own food), mulit-cellular, eukaryotic (nucleus) and non motile (can't move on their own)
Animals are made of eukaryotic cells, what does eukaryotic mean? a true nucleus
What are the two groups of animals? invertebrates and vertebrates
How are plants and animals different from each other? Plants are autotrophic,have cell walls and are non motile. Animals are heterotrophic, have no cell walls and are motile
What does gymnosperm and angiosperm mean? gymnosperm means- naked seed and angiosperm means enclosed seed
What are tow categories of angiosperms? monocots and dicots
What charateristics do all plants have in common? autotrophic (make their own food), mulit-cellular, eukaryotic (nucleus) and non motile (can't move on their own)
Animals are made of eukaryotic cells, what does eukaryotic mean? a true nucleus
What are the two groups of animals? invertebrates and vertebrates
How are plants and animals different from each other? Plants are autotrophic,have cell walls and are non motile. Animals are heterotrophic, have no cell walls and are motile
Created by: wftate
Popular Science sets




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