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AP Gov. Unit 1

block grant money granted by the federal government to the states for a broad purpose ( e.g., transportatin) rather than for a narrow purpose (e.g., school luch program)
categorical grantmoney granted by the federal government to the states for a narrow purpose (e.g., school lunch program), rather than for a broad purpose (e.g., transportation)
federalist those who favor greater national authority rather than state authority
checks and balances system in which each branch of government can limit the power of the other two branches,e.g , presidential veto of a congressional law
commerce clause give congress the power to regulate commerce among the states, with foreing notions, and among indian tribes. granted through article 1, section 8 of the constitution
concurrent powers those held by congress and states, e.g., establishing law enforcement agencies
confederation system in which sovereign states are only loosely tied to a centeral government, e.g., the US under the articles of confederation
anti-federalist those who favor greater state authority rather than national authority
direct democracy system in which the people rule themselves
evolutionary theory startes with family which grows, creating need for organization. paternal domination
force theory people forced together by a more powerful person or group. maintained power through violence
divine right theory rules are chosen by god or descendants of god. to disobey ruler was to break the law and commit sin
social contract theory people in a nation agree to give up rights in order to be protected by government
constitutional compromise federalists versus antifederalists. house of representatives satisfied big states because it is based on population. senate satisfied small states because all states get the same number of representatives.
3/5ths compromise county slaves as 3/5 for taxation and representation
slave trade compromise slaves that escaped to another state must be returned
commerce clause interstate commerce regulated by federal government. intrastate commerce regulated by state government
autocracy one leader
totalitarian dictatorship autocracy. one leader. ex nazi germany
monarchy king/gueen/emporer is absolute ruler
absolute monarchs complete power. ex King of Saudi Arabia
constitutional monarchs share power with legislature. ex Great Britain's Queen
Oligarchy small group has all power. suppress political opposition. ex communist china
Direct democracy people govern selves by voting. small societies. ex cantons of switzerland
representative democracy people elect representatives and give them power. ex USA
Supremacy clause Art. VI. Constitution, federal laws, and treaties are supreme law of land
10th amendment powers not given to federal by constitution and not prohibited to the states are given to states
Dual federalism sovereign "layers" within spheres. federal government=strict enumeration of powers. states are much more powerful (10th am)
Cooperative federalism rejects seperate spheres with substantial overlap. powers fragmented through all levels of government. feds and states have to work together to implement policy
Separation of powers Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law.
Checks and balances Constitutional grant of powers that enables each of the three branches of government to check some acts of the others and therefore ensure that no branch can dominate
why was american revolution unique? based on ideas like liberty rather than financial or social gain
natural or unalienable rights life, liberty, property/pursuit of happiness
national government's limitations under Articles of Confederation one vote in Congress per state. small army. all states must agree to make amendments
articles of the confederation A constitution drafted by the newly independent states in 1777 and ratified in 1781. It created a weak national government that could not levy taxes or regulate commerce. In 1789 it was replaced by our current constitution
authors of federalist papers Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
Shay's rebellion farmers who feared losing property b/c taxes. stopped Massachussetts courts from "sitting"
Effect of Shay's rebellion Mass. Gov. asked Continental Congress for soldiers but no $ or men. no state militia. hired volunterr army. **spurred delegates to attend Philadelphia conventions because concern that state governments were going to collapse
Created by: jumpthemoon
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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