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history test

The South’s goal in the Civil War was to become an independent nation. True or False? True
From where did most Confederate and Union soldiers come from? Farms
Which problem did soldiers from both armies face? Inadequate Medical Farms
The South expected support from Britain and France because these two European nations relied on the South for ____. Cotton
An efficient railway network was one of the South’s strengths. True or False? Fasle
For the North, the primary goal was to preserve the Union. True or False? True
Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri had close ties to both the Union and the Confederacy. True or False? True
What was one of the main advantages of the South? Excellent Military Leaders
Which was the most vital border state for the Union? Maryland
Slavery was banned in the border states. True or False? False
What is an Ironclad? A Ship Covered In Protective Iron
Who was the Union General who captured Fort Henry? Ulysses. S. Grant
A key victory for the North was when Union naval forces under David Farragut captured ____________ on April 25, 1862. New Orleans
Together the Union, and the Confederate armies suffered more than 23,000 casualties in which battle? Shiloh
The Confederacy used ironclads to ___ their harbors and rivers. Defend/Protect
What did President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declare? Enslaved People In Rebel-Held Territories Were Free.
Why was the First Battle of Bull Run significant? The Confederacy Won, Which Made Northerners Realize That The War Could Be
Where was the first major battle of the Civil War? Bull Run
The __________________ and the Monitor took part in a battle that raised spirits in the North and in the South. Virginia
What was the Union goal in the West? To Control The Mississippi River
General ____________________headed the Union army of the East after the Battle of Bull Run. George B. McClellan
Helped wounded soldiers, and leader of the American Red Cross. Clara Barton
Helped to persuade officials to allow women to work as nurses. Dorothea Dix
Was the first female army surgeon. Mary Edwards Walker
Was a Confederate spy. Rose O'Neal Greenhow
Was the only female officer in the Confederate Army. Sally Tompkins
Why did the South suffer most of the destruction during the Civil War? Because Most Of The Fighting Took Place There.
Which type of law required Confederate men between certain ages to serve in the army for three years? Draft
Which Northern city saw the most violent opposition to laws requiring military service? New York City
To raise money for the war, what did the North print? Greenbacks
Stonewall Jackson was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. True or False? False
Lincoln replaced General George McClellan with General Ambrose Burnside. True or False? True
The Union army was composed mostly of African American soldiers. True or False False
The Gettysburg Address was given at a ceremony to dedicate a cemetery. True or False? True
The 54th Massachusetts was an all-female regiment. True or False? False
Confederate leaders hoped that a victory in Union territory would win support from ______. Britain And France
General Grant led a 47-day siege against which city? Vicksburg, Mississippi
By the end of the warr, nearly 10 percent of the Union army consisted of ____. African Americans
In the Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln said government should be of the people, by the people, and ______. For The People
Because of the huge loss of life among the troops he commanded, critics called this man a "Butcher". U.S. Grant
Who did Lincoln defeat in the presidential election of 1864? George B. McClellan
The Civil War ended on April 9th, ____. 1865
The Civil War made it clear that the national government was more powerful than the government of _____. States
The systematic destruction of the land and the people-not just an army-is called _____. Total War
What helped Lincoln win the 1864 election? Sherman's Capture Of Atlanta
What was Sherman's march across Georgia toward the Atlantic called? March to the Sea
Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant? Appomattox Court House
The name of the President of the Confederacy was ____. Jefferson Davis
What were the Soldiers of the North nicknamed by the South? Yankees
Created by: KarleighN
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