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AAPC chapter 15

Eyes and ears

Each eye has ____ muscles. Light first enters the cornea. 6
Cornea meets sclera in a ring called the _____. Physicians often reference this when describing the site of ______ in eye surgery. Limbus, incision
Light travels from the cornea through the aqueous humor to the _____, through the vitreous humor to the _____. lens, retina
Tympanic membrane ____ to send its message to middle ear. vibrates
Middle ear: malleus, _____, stapes. Carry the message to the ____ window. incus, oval
Organ of Corti: hair cells send electrical impulses to nerves and ____. Air conduction and ____ conduction. brain, bone
Inner ear: balance and _____of sound. Mastoid cells transmit sound but not as effeciently as the pinna. conduction
Eye neoplasms: category C69 and 4th character identifies locaction, 5th identifies _____. laterality
ICD-1 eye infections/inflammation: report secondarily the _____ agent. infectious
Retina: difficult to biopsy, dark _____ on retina- no biopsy. Sometimes called a retinal freckle, just gets monitored. spot
Diabetic Retinopathy: earliest phase- background or non proliferative retinopathy. Arteries in retina become _____ and leak forming small dot-like hemorrages. weakened
Open angle glaucoma: also known as wide anlge. Most _____ type, and leading cause of adult _____ in U.S. common, blindness
Chronic closed angle Glaucoma: can be d/t ____ of defect or age. illness
Right eye: OD, Left eye: ____. Both eyes: OU OS
ROP: retinopathy of ______ prematurity
POAG: primary _____ angle glacuoma. open
RK: _____ keratotomy. TM trabecular _____ also tympanic membrane. radical, meshwork
Eye removal: usually a temporary inplant placed until ____ one recieved, this is included in procedure and reported separately. permanent
Pterygium: benign growth of conjunctive ____ to the sclera and extends from the inner canthus to the border of cornea with an ____ that points to the pupil. attached, apex
Keratoplasty: repair of ____. Normally done with microscope. Some may include lamellar corneal _____ (thin outermost layers of cornea). cornea, transplant
Penetrating corneal transplant: full _____. thickness
Aphakic: had cateract surgery and doesn't have artificial or natural ____. These pts may have eye fluids withdrawn ____ to corneal removal. lens, prior
Keratoplasties: for coding- determine the ____ status of pt lens
Aphakia: absense of _____. Pseudophakic: has _____ inocular lens (IOL). lens, artificial
Keratomileusis: procedure to alter visual acuity. Partial thickness ____ portion of cornea is frozen, reshaped on an electronic lathe, repositioned and sutured ____ into place. Replaced by Lasix. central, back
Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK): cornea's entire epithelial ____ is removed to expose the area. layer
Keratophakia procedure: a trephine is used to punch a measured circular _____ in the cornea. Donor cornea placed there. holes
Epikeratoplasty: trephine punches circular holes in cornea. ___ is made from the stroma nd Bowman's membrane layers of cornea, shaped on a lathe and ____ into place. Lens, sutured
Keratoprostesis: new anterior ____ is created with plastic implant. chamber
Radial Keratomy: multiple nonpenetrating cuts in _____ spoke pattern on cornea to reduce myopia. bicycle
Lasisx: thin _____ flap created to accress cornea, reshape it. To correct refractive error. hinge
Most refractive procedures not reimbursed, they are considered _____. cosmetic
If previous surgery results in astigmatism: corrective surgery with _____ shape in cornea done. X
Goniotomy: surgery for ____ in which a lens is used to see anterior chamber and an opening made in the anterior trabecular ____. children, meshwork
Trabeculotomy: create an ____ in the meshwork for drainage of aqueous humor. Performed on children with _____ glaucoma. opening, congenital
Trabeculoplasty: repair meshwork with a ____ laser
Cyclectomy: removes part of ciliary ____ along with the lesion. This muscle regulate the ____ of aqueous humor. muscle, flow
When coding incision of secondary cataract: differentiate between techniques of ____ incision or laser surgery. stab
VISC: vitreous infusion suction cutter: capable of _____, cutting and removing vitreous humor and at the same time introducing ____ fluid. aspirating, introducing
Panretinal: all ____ quadrants of retina treated. 4
Procedure for retinal breaks and lattice degeneration detachments: by cryotherapy or diothermy (laser) to ____ retina. secure
Prophylactic procedures (eyes) : coded by ____ used. May require one or more sessions. Modifier 58 (staged procedure) not used because the dfinition of these codes do not allow for ____ reporting of implants or drainage. method, separate
Lesions of choroid: may need ocular photodynamic therapy (OPT) using a photosensitive ____ or laser treatment. drug
Chalazion: small localized swelling or ____ at margin of eyelid mass
Trichias: ingrown _____. Brown ptosis: _____ of eyebrows eyelash, drooping
Tarsorrhaphy: suturing the edges of eyelids to close the papebral ____- which is linear opening beteween eyelids. fissure
Entropion: inversion of the ____ of eyelid. margin
Trachoma: chronic and contagious ____ of conjunctive with hypertrophy. inflammation
For supply of spectacles: use HCPS code ____. set
Mydriasis: using agent to ____ pupils creates the same effect of Mydriasis. dialate
Comprehensive opthalmological services: include an ____ of the complete visual system. May require more than 1 visit. Always includes initiation of ____ and treatment programs. eval, diagnostic
Adnexa: eyelids, conjunctaval sac, _____ drainage system, lacrimal gland, ____ contents except eye and optic nerve. lacrimal, orbital
When only 1 eye assessed use Modifier _____for reduced services. 52
Gonioscope: used to examine ____. meshwork
Serial tonometry: measurement of the ____ of aqueous humor from eye and it determines if the fluids in the eye are at proper ____. outflow, levels
Atticotomy: cutting of an opening in the wall of the attic- cavity in ___ ear above tympanic membrane. middle
Cochlear implant: report with or ______ mastoidectomy. without
Vestibular function: tests for conditions such as ____. vertigo
Modifiers: E1- upper left eyelid. E2- ____ left eyelid. E3- upper right eyelid, E4- lower right eyelid. LS: _____ monitored IOL implant, PL- progressive addition lenses. lower, FDA
After cataract/secondary cataract removed: the outermost posterior shell is ____, later the shell may develop opacities as well. retained
Cholesteatoma: benign growth of ____ in middle ear, usually caused from chronic ottitis media. skin
Exenteration: removal of a complete structure and the surrounding skin, _____, fat and bone. muscle
Karat/o: stands for _____ cornea
Created by: mlovest
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