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GERMANY: Nazi Germany 1933-1939 (Section 4)

In what 3 ways were Hitler's powers as Chancellor initially limited? 1. There were limits on his law-making powers 2. Hindenburg kept all presidential powers 3. His cabinet of 12 only had 2 Nazis
When was the Reichstag Fire? February 27th, 1933
Who reportedly started the Reichstag Fire? Marinus Van der Lubbe
True or false, Van der Lubbe was a Nazi False, he was a communist
What decree was passed after the Reichstag Fire? What did it do? The Decree for the Protection of the People and State. It gave police power to search homes and imprison whoever they arrested without trial
How many communist leaders were arrested after the Reichstag Fire? 4,000
What did Hitler call after the Reichstag Fire? An election
What did Hitler claim the Reichstag Fire was? Proof of serious communist threat
When was the election called for by Hitler after the Reichstag Fire? March, 1933
What was the Enabling Act? An act that meant Hitler could make laws and sign treaties without consulting the Reichstag
How did Hitler gain the 2/3 majority in the Reichstag that would allow him to change the German constitution? He banned the communist party and won support from the Nationalist Party and Centre Party
Why did the Nationalist Party agree to the Enabling Act? Many of their beliefs were similar to those of the Nazis
Why did the Centre Party agree to the Enabling Act? Hitler promised to protect the Catholic Church
Name the 3 main measures Hitler took once in power to remove opposition 1. Abolished state parliaments 2. Arrested leaders of trade unions 3. Created law banning all political parties other than the Nazis
When did Hitler abolish state parliaments? January, 1934
When did Hitler ban all political parties other than the Nazis? July, 1933
Name 2 reasons why Hitler decide to reduce the power of the SA 1. Ernst Röhm was a potential rival to Hitler's power + a homosexual 2. SA members had frequent drunken fights with each other, which was losing the Nazis support
When was the Night of the Long Knives? June 30th, 1934
Who was arrested in the Night of the Long Knives? SA officers, Ernst Röhm and old enemies such as von Schleicher
What was Hitler's excuse for the Night of the Long Knives? That he was defending Germany against a plot led by Röhm
When did Hitler become the "Führer"? August, 1934
What year was the first concentration camp made? 1933
How were women rewarded for being 'good Nazis'? They were given medals for the amount of children they had
Who did Hitler use to make Germany a police state? The Gestapo and the SS
How were trials made unfair in Nazi Germany? There were no juries and judges were expected to support the Nazis
In 1936, the SS and Gestapo were brought together under whose command? Heinrich Himmler
What 2 things were the SS responsible for in Hitler's police state? 1. Arresting political prisoners 2. Running concentration camps
What were the 4 main forms of Nazi terror in Germany? 1. The SS 2. The Gestapo 3. Concentration camps 4. Informers
Who was put in charge of Nazi Propaganda in 1933? Joseph Goebbels
How did Nazis censor newspapers? Papers that opposed Nazis were shut down
How did Nazis censor radio? Radios couldn't pick up on foreign broadcasts
How did Nazis censor literature? A list of unacceptable literature was made. Students often gathered to burn these books all at once
How did Nazis censor art? Art that encouraged Nazi values, including Aryan Germans was encouraged, whilst other art forms such as jazz were banned
What was Goebbels' belief about propaganda? It should be subtle, people shouldn't realise they are being manipulated
Why did Hitler believe it was important to indoctrinate young people with Nazi beliefs? Young people were the future and their minds were open to being controlled
What new subject did Hitler introduce to school curriculum? Race Studies - where students studied how Aryans were superior to other races
What lesson received more attention under Nazi rule? PE
Why was there an emphasis on PE? To prepare boys to become soldiers and girls to become mothers
When did it become compulsory to be part of some form of Nazi youth group? 1936
How many people were members of Hitler Youth groups by 1939? 8 million
Name 3 ways in which the Nazis supported having large families 1. Young couples were given loans to help start a family if the woman gave up work 2. Medals were awarded to women with lots of kids 3. Women were trained in household skills
Why did rules on women not working have to be relaxed? There was a need for more workers with more men joining the army
What were women expected to wear in Nazi Germany? Traditional dress and no make-up
What was signed between Hitler and the Catholic Church? The Concordant
What did the concordant agree? The church would not involve itself in political affairs if the Nazis let the church have freedom of worship
What was the Nazi reaction like to the Catholic Church criticising the Nazis? Hitler banned the Catholic League (youth group) and cut state funding to the church
What happened to Catholic priests who spoke against the Nazis? They were arrested and sometimes sent to concentration camps
What was the name of the organisation that Hitler made to represent all of the Protestant Church? The Reich Church
Who was made Bishop of the Reich Church? Ludwig Müller
Who set up the confessional church? Martin Niemoller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
What percentage of Germans claimed to believe in God in 1939? 5%
In what 3 ways did Hitler limit the role churches played in German society? 1. Introduction of Hitler Youth 2. Banning of church schools 3. Propaganda against the churches
From when were Jews sent to concentration camps? 1936
When was marriage between black people and Aryans banned? 1935
When did Hitler organise a boycott of Jewish businesses? April 1933
When were the Nuremburg Laws introduced? September 1935
What 2 things did the Nuremburg Laws mean? 1. Jews and Aryans could not marry 2. Jews couldn't vote in elections or have a German passport
When did the Nazis ban emigration? 1941
When was Kristallnacht? 9-10th November, 1938
How many Jewish-owned shops were destroyed in Kristallnacht? 800
How many Jews were killed/arrested during Kristallnacht? 91/30,000
What did the Nazis do upon realising much of the destroyed property in Kristallnacht was rented out by Germans? Fined the Jewish community 1 billion reichsmarks
Who introduced the New Plan? Hjalmar Schact
What was the New Plan? A plan designed to reduce imports and reduce unemployment
The Nazis wanted to reach a state of total self-sufficiency called what? Autarky
Name 3 ways in which the Nazis reduced unemployment 1. Army was limited to 100,000 by TOV but Hitler made army of 900,000 2. They paid private companies to create jobs 3. Olympic Stadium in Berlin and motorways began construction, creating construction jobs
Between 1933 and 1939, how much did the Nazis reduce unemployment? From 6 million to 500,000
Name 2 reasons why the Nazi's unemployment statistics weren't entirely accurate 1. Women and Jews didn't count in the statistics 2. People on temporary work were put down as fully employed
What organisation replaced Trade Unions in Nazi Germany? The German Labour Front (DAF)
The DAF wanted people to work harder without a pay rise, so in what 2 other ways did they improve lives? 'Strength Through Joy' and 'Beauty of Labour'
What was 'Strength Through Joy'? A scheme to reward hard working workers with tickets to the theatre, cruises and holidays
What was the 'Beauty of Labour'? A part of the DAF responsible for improving working conditions by building canteens and leisure centres at work facilities
Created by: JoeMather
Popular History sets




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