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GERMANY: The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis (Section 3)

When did Hitler join the German Workers' Party? September, 1919
When was the German Workers' Party renamed to the Nazi Party? 1920
What was the name of the Nazi's propaganda newspaper? The People's Observer
Why did the Nazis appeal to a wide range of people? The aims of the party were deliberately vague
What was the programme called that was released by the German Workers' Party in 1920? The 25 Point Programme
When did Hitler set up the SA? 1921
Who was put in charge of the SA by Hitler? Ernst Röhm
When was the Munich Putsch? November, 1923
Name 3 reasons that convinced Hitler to carry out the Munich Putsch? 1. Nazis had 20,000 supporters and their own private army 2. Hitler had a close relationship with former army leader Ludendorff and hoped the army would join the Putsch 3. The economic situation was awful and hyperinflation had peaked
When was Hitler's trial? February, 1924
How much jail time was Hitler sentenced to? 5 years
How long did Hitler actually serve in jail? 9 months
What happened to the Nazi Party as a result of the Munich Putsch? It was banned (ban was later lifted)
What book did Hitler write whilst in prison? Mein Kampf
Name 3 changes Hitler made to the Nazi Party once he came out of prison 1. Established various organisations, such as Nazi women and Hitler Youth 2. Created a national Nazi headquarters in Munich 3. Emphasised anti-semitic messages, which were very popular
What caused seats for the Nazis to decrease from 1924 to 1928? Stresemann's efforts meant the German people's faith in democracy had improved and there was less need for extremist parties
When was the Wall Street Crash? October, 1929
What was the impact of the Great Depression on Germany? USA recalled German loans, meaning businesses had to close down and many people lost their jobs
What happened to the German government as a result of the Great Depression? The coalition government fell out and Brüning took control and began to raise taxes and cut unemployment benefits
How did the Nazi Party take advantage of the Great Depression? They gave people scapegoats
How many seats did the Nazis win in the 1930 election? 107
How did the SA help the Nazi party grow? They disrupted meetings of political opponents and threatened voters at polling stations
Name 3 ways in which the Nazis used propaganda? 1. Posters with clear messages were designed 2. Huge rallies were held 3. Nazis owned 8 different newspapers
Who removed Brüning from power and then convinced Hindenburg to sack him as chancellor? Kurt von Schleicher
Who did von Schleicher put in charge of a new coalition? von Papen
Did von Schleicher give Hitler a place in his new coalition? Yes
What 2 reasons made Hitler argue he should be made chancellor? 1. Von Papen's coalition was weak 2. The Nazis had the largest number of seats in the Reichstag
Who wrote to Hindenburg asking to appoint Hitler as chancellor? Powerful businessmen
Did Hindenburg like Hitler? No, he hated him
What did von Schleicher believe about von Papen and Hitler? That they were leading a conspiracy against him
How did von Schleicher lose the support of the Reichstag? It was leaked that he asked Hindenburg to make him the head of a military dictatorship
When did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany? January, 1933
Created by: JoeMather
Popular History sets




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