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Business Exam Prep

A client repeatedly brings gifts and stays to talk after a session. This is a sign of: Transference
It’s wise to ask many close-ended questions in an intake interview False
Which of the following best describes what the process of supervision is? Getting personal and professional needs met
Which of the following is an effective way to manage the power differential between practitioner and client? Obtain informed consent before the treatment.
The Pareto Principle states that 20 percent of results are produced by 80 percent of activities, and vice versa False
Which of the following best describes why practitioners should inform clients about their confidentiality policies? It... Promotes trust within the therapeutic relationship
Limited Liability Companies provide a shield from personal liability True
What is considered the best course of action when a contract has been breached? Arbitration
In financing a business start-up or expansion, which of the following should practitioners avoid? Companies that promise, for an advanced fee, to find you venture capital
A practitioner works out of their home. They pay attention to privacy, sounds, cleanliness, and the environment. Which of the following best describes what the practitioner is conveying by attending to these items? Professionalism
A practitioner has recently opened up a practice and has been sent a cease-and-desist letter from the city, stating that their business is in violation of zoning laws. What can be done? Hire a lawyer to review the contracts, to assure compliancy
A practitioner is going out to dinner with their husband. While waiting to be seated, they see a client, who is also waiting on a table with some other people. What is the practitioner’s best course of action Allow the client to acknowledge them first
Professional and Peer Group are two examples of which of the following Supervision
Which of the methods below will reach the widest audience when advertising? TV
In social situations people welcome touch from a person they know and like and react negatively to touch from a person they do not know False
In the context of the Assertion Sequence, a statement of consequences should carry a strong emotional tone, to help convey the effect of the behavior. False
GOALS Specific events or tasks that have a definite completion
PURPOSE A general statement of direction
PRIORITIES Correct match: Statements of intention that are connected with values and are less general than purpose
It costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one True
If a client is resistant to answering a question during the interview, which is the best practitioner response? Respect the client’s boundary and move onto a question more acceptable to the client
Which of the following is true regarding client self-disclosure? It’s sometimes important to set a boundary to limit client self-disclosure
Which of the following is an appropriate practitioner response to a client’s strong emotional response? Defuse the situation and change the focus of the session
A practitioner has been in business for many years. When a larger office space opened in their building, they decided to incorporate other practitioners into a group practice. Which of the following should they do to best ensure that the practice runs smo Write policies and procedures
A good time to reference products for sale is during the client’s session False
Procedure and Modality codes are defined and maintained by the American Medical Association True
One of the most important traits that successful people have is a dedication to knowledge True
One of the keys to excellent communication is listening True
Which of the following sections of a business plan is most often considered to be the toughest challenge to write? Financial projections
Stage 1 of the Assertion Sequence (the Agreement Discussion) includes which of the following: Consequences
It is common in low-touch cultures to misinterpret the need for touch as a need for: Sex or food
Educating clients is outside the scope of practice of many somatic practitioners. False
Which of the following is most important when resolving a conflict with a client? Both the practitioner and the client are calm enough to discuss the conflict rationally
Which of the following is the major element in effective daily planning? Ranking
When offering a membership program, it’s customary for a practitioner to charge his standard fee. False
When creating a business plan, what is the component that states the highlights of the plan? Executive summary
The term for an aspect that makes someone unique to the media is referred to as pitch False
The perfect ad is creating the right message that is seen by the right people and at the right time True
Which section of the business plan is critical when applying for financial backing? Executive Summary
A person’s website is the primary link with clients, associate, and vendors False
Sexuality is innate, even if people don’t engage in sexual activity. Which of the following best describes the impact of sexuality: Sexual responses are a potential with every client
Preferences in work environment should have nothing to do with one’s professional or career choices False
Which of the following best describes the six-step ethical dilemma resolution model? Helps a practitioner think through an ethical dilemma and make an informed decision
Being overwhelmed by a task often leads to procrastination True
Office supplies, rent, and marketing costs are common business deductions True
The best option to take when delivering uncomfortable information is to send an email False
During the pre-treatment mutual interview, the client has the right to ask questions about the practitioner’s: Policies and treatment approaches
A balanced life occurs when your goals are in synchrony with the way you live your life and run your business False
It is important to assess whether an advisor wants you as a client True
Avoidance occurs when the memory of the emotional or physical pain was so intense that the person becomes severely cut off from their emotions to remove themself from the experience of the pain True
The key characteristic of an ethical dilemma is that something of value is compromised no matter what decision is made. True
It is good for survivors of abuse to express their anger and outrage in a full and cathartic way True
Which of the following is the best way for a person to begin planning for a career or business? Utilize self-assessment tools to become familiar with their own personality type, communication styles, and abilities
When first working with a survivor of abuse, which of the following is a best practice to help establish safe boundaries for touch? Move slowly and predictably, and check in frequently
After the age of about thirteen boys are rarely touched except in sexual contact or sports True
Multidisciplinary case management is a benefit of a group practice that provides clients with: Coordinated care tailored to their individual needs and desired health outcomes
Which of the following best describes what a systematic ethical process enables a practitioner to do? Approach dilemmas with clarity and confidence
Which of the following is the best alternative to the term “Cancellation Policy”? “Reschedule Policy”
Does the following statement increase or decrease the power differential? Discuss important decisions before your client undresses or after redressing. Decreases
The two most commonly used written methods for goal setting are mind mapping and vision boards False
It is important to establish the day-to-day activities of a practice (office logistics) along with objective consequences for when a person doesn’t fulfill their agreed obligations True
The overlapping of professional and social roles and interactions between two people are referred to as the power differential False
Referring clients out appropriately can be one of the most professional decisions a practitioner can make True
Without clear financial agreements in a group practice, entanglements and misunderstandings evolving around money can easily escalate into ethical dilemmas. True
Even though a practitioner is classified as an employee, it’s likely that he is actually: Working for himself within another’s business
Which of the following best describes what tips are considered? Income
Erections or sexual arousal usually signal sexual intent False
Touch that is pleasurable stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and touch that is disturbing and irritating stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system False
Our experiences throughout our life of determine our attitudes towards sex, touch, and intimacy impact our professional and ethical behavior True
After supervision, the practitioner decides to terminate the therapeutic relationship. Which of the following is the best step for the practitioner to terminate the relationship? Inform the client of the termination and clearly state the reasons
High priority activities are the 20 percent ones that produce 80 percent of your results True
What type of insurance covers people who might slip and fall while on a practitioner’s premises? Personal injury
Which of the following best describes the intention of an abuser towards the abused? To: Dominate
One of the greatest disadvantages of a group practice is the high cost of marketing activities and expenses between associates. False
A practitioner has completed a client’s treatment and is now going to make notes about the treatment. Which document is best suited for these notes Session form
Merchandising includes visibility of products and the design of displays True
How many positive experiences are needed to make up for 1 unresolved negative experience? 12
Some clients may find frequent touch sexually suggestive True
When the individuals of a group practice get together to share resources and expenses while keeping separate business identities, it is referred to as a partnership False
Which of the following is not a reason to discontinue care? The practitioner doesn’t like the client
The practitioner has reviewed their motives, analyzed their business, and assembled a team of advisers. Of the Eight Selling Stages, what is the next course of action for selling their business? Set a selling price
When would it be acceptable for a practitioner to write a check to petty cash? The practitioner pays for a business item with a personal check
Which of the following is an example of professional misconduct? Practicing outside one’s scope
A business plan helps minimize risks True
Which of the following is an ethical and appropriate reason to enter a helping profession? Find enjoyment in a challenging therapeutic career
Which of the following best describes why it is important to be attuned to various gender and sexual orientations? This is a sensitive and sometimes critical part of a person’s identity and making assumptions can damage the therapeutic relationship
Self-care and stress management are necessary to prevent boredom syndrome False
Which of the following best describes the indirect financial investment for marketing activities and materials a practitioner produces to gain visibility? Promotion
Policies direct decisions and actions, and are built on the philosophy and values that guide a practice True
Which of the following is the best course of action to protect practitioners against potential litigation by a needy client? Use open, direct communication
A practitioner’s attitudes about money permeates all of her business practices True
Implementing effective risk management practices and policies saves time and money, and may help to avoid costly lawsuits True
In which of the following scenarios would it be best for a practitioner to have Permeable boundaries (select all that apply): The practitioner feels empathy for a client The practitioner lunches with loved ones and returns to the office to meet a favorite client
The best way to avoid crossing physical boundaries with clients is to: Obtain informed consent
Attire, business practices, attitudes, and communication skills are all examples of professionalism True
What are the 5 elements to a good website design? Planning, on-page SEO, content, creative design, and marketing
Bodyworkers, such as massage therapists, do not have to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) False
A tax credit will earn a person 50% of the amount spent False
Created by: Mynameisnot
Popular Business sets




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