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Historic Test #2

What does the doctrinal category of anthropology encompass? Study of human origins, his nature, his fall, and the effects of the fall
Majority and minority views regarding the permissibility of marriage after divorce Minority: marriage is only dissolved by death, no remarriage after divorce. Majority: unrepentant sexual sin and desertion allow for divorce and remarriage.
Meaning of "aloneness" in two creation ordinances/directives? Adam is helpless in multiplying himself and ruling over the earth
Marriage as (1) covenant (“leave and cleave”) and (2) kinship/consummation (“become one flesh”) Leave and cleave involves the transition of loyalty from the parents to the spouse. Kinship involves one treating the other as if he/she was him/her.
How is the creation of humankind qualitatively different from other aspects of God's creation? We have a soul breathed into us by God while animals do not.
Natural capacity reason, creativity, freedom
moral capacity conscience, judicial sentiment, free will
spiritual capacity need to worship
Karl Barth's understanding of "the image and likeness of God" The image of God is seen in that God created us to be in relationships with one another
Dichotomy body and soul
trichotomy body, soul, and spirit
unified all one
preexistence all souls created along with the universe
creationism soul created sometime between conception and birth. Every soul is a special creation of God
Traducianism soul created at conception. Derive soul and body from parents.
Meaning of "knowledge of good and evil" Man now had the capacity to make moral decisions.
Definition of Sin Sin is anything contrary to the character of the creator.
Concepts under realities about sin Directed against God, all sins separate us from God the same way but they are of different magnitudes, God can judge sin with sin, some things may be due to sin, sin is infectious, sin is irrational.
What depravity doesn't mean That sinners indulge in every form of sin
Anthropology of Eastern Greek Church Trichotomy, morally sick, no original guilt, partial depravity, synergism, indetermination
Anthropology of Western Latin Church traducianism, original sin and guilt, total depravity, monergism, self-determination
Monergism God causes our salvation, we play no role
Synergism We must cooperate with God for salvation
Know what the Eastern Greek-speaking churches’ trichotomist creationist anthropology is all about Our bodies and soul are inherited from Adam and Eve, which makes them sinful, but our spirit is like that of the spirit before the fall (perfect).
Indetermination Sitting on a fence, can go either way. Will is free and undecided by nature.
Self-determination We are naturally inclined to sin.
Inherited sin We inherited sin from generation to generation.
Imputed sin Sin comes directly inherited from Adam.
Realism Sin rooted in the human race because of Adam
Federalism All people are are guilty in Adam
What did British monk Pelagius believe? No original sin or guilt, we have perfect moral state.
Confession of sin & 1 John 1:9 Call it sin, call it forgiven, call on God for help.
Luke's and Matthew's perspective of Jesus' virgin birth They have no opinions, only the facts. They do not draw conclusions.
Christological titles associated with Christ Preexistent: Word, God. Past: Prophet, Servant. Present: Priest, Lord. Future: King, Son of Man.
Docetism Jesus was not really fully human.
Modalism God is one existence but has three different modes.
Arianism Jesus was not divine.
Cult Cult is a religious movement that claims support of Christ and the Bible, but misses the heart of Christianity.
Liberal Christianity Jesus just a model Christian
Jehovah's Witnesses Jesus begotten as a spiritual son at his baptism and first created being
Mormonism Christ was first begotten and not eternally God’s son
Christian Science Jesus is the human man, Christ is the divine idea
Expiation Removal of sin, repaying a wrong
Propitiation Appeasing the offended party.
Subjective view of atonement Classical (Christ paid a ransom to the devil), vicarious satisfaction (Christ acted as our representative to repay our sins in a way only a perfect being could), reformed (Christ took our place of punishment
Objective views of atonement moral influence (shows how much God loves us, doesn’t repay our sins), Socinianism (set an example), governmental (Christ’s death is meant to deter us from sin).
General atonement Died for all
Particular atonement God predestined those to be saved.
To what did Oscar Cullmann compare the "already [of Christ's resurrection]" and the "not yet [of his second coming]"? Resurrection: D-day Second coming: V-day
Primary significance of the resurrection Christ has inaugurated his role on earth.
Four main historical evidences for the resurrection Empty tomb, many witnesses, transformed lives of the disciples, existence of church
Five purposes of Christ's ascension into heaven Demonstrate Lordship of Christ, inaugurate Christ’s ministry as our priest, allow coming of Holy Spirit, prepare a place in heaven, assure his followers he will return
Free-act salvation No ultimate cause
necessary salvation Death was necessary means by which sin was conquered.
"the session" Christ sits at the right hand of the father and has authority.
Six ways the resurrection is significant Authority, perfect substitution, power over the devil, first fruits, believers' justification, brought redemption
Greek's hope for life after death vs Jewish hope Greeks - separation between body and soul. Jews - mind, body, and soul enter into heaven.
penal substitution Christ suffered death as a substitute for any penalty
vicarious substitution Christ suffered the requirements of God's law on our behalf
Redemption vs Ransom The verb redeem can be used in a sense of "pay a ransom"
Two theological meanings of the word 'sacrifice' Christ's sacrificial death (on the cross) and his sacrificial life (offering his life to God in total dedication)
Literal meaning of atonement Bringing together
hypostatic union Jesus existed as truly God while also existing as truly man.
Matthew's view of virgin birth Sign that God had fulfilled his promise
Luke view of virgin birth 2nd of two amazing births, in God's framework
Cerinthianism Claims Jesus and Christ are different; "Christ-spirit" entered Jesus when he was baptized and left before he was crucified
What is wrong with the old adage that "to err is human; to forgive, divine." Doesn't link error with forgiveness, when we need to be excused for errors but forgiven for sin
How does chapter 3 of Genesis speak as a historical event and not a myth? Genealogies
First two chapters of Genesis on the uniqueness of humanity? Created in the image of God
about the humanities connection with the rest of creation Humanity was created as part of creation, not part of God
relational view Human relationships as image of God
functional view We exist as God's representatives in the created world
What common ground exists between Arminians and Calvinists that distinguishes them from Pelagians, concerning the issues of sin and free will? Human beings are incapable of overwhelming the effects of sin without help from God, rejects Pelagian view that humanity is in a relationship of fundamental harmony with God and therefore is morally well
different aspects of sin inherited, imputed, and personal sins
Kenosis interpretation that Dorman favors in Phil. 2:6-7 Paul is emphasizing Jesus as the Servant of God
Major premise of Eve's temptation Restrictions are not good
Minor premise of Eve's temptation God's plan included a restriction
Conclusion of Eve's temptation God is not good.
Created by: zoedinius
Popular Religion sets




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