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wr test

test for world religions period 3; material tested on: religion of islam

how many followers are there around the world? in the arabic world? 1.5 billion followers (almost 1/5 of the world); 18% of followers live in the arabic world
what place does islam take in the world? 2nd place
what are the 3 foundations of islam? the prophet muhammad, the qur'an, and it's primary teachings
what does the word islam mean? "submission to Allah"
what year was the prophet muhammad said to be born in? year 570 AD
what kind of family did muhammad marry into? married into a wealthy family and had kids; the wife was widowed
what kind of behavior did muhammad impose? muhammad was honest, dependable, and was considered to be very religious
what is the night of power and excellence? it was when the angel gabirel appeared to muhammad in a dream and ordered muhmmad to recite, hence the qur'an
what year did the night of power and excellence take place in? year 610 AD
where is the earliest recitation contained? in the qur'an
for how long did muhammad receive recitations and to what period in his lifetime? muhmmad received recitations for 22 years until his death
what is the completion of the recitation called? the qur'an
name five prophets in the religion of islam john the baptist, adam, moses, abraham, and jesus christ
how is christ referred to in islam? "al-masih", or otherwise translated as the "messiah"
how many verses can "al-masih" be found in the qur'an? 93 ayaat's (verses)
whom did muslims come to believe that Allah revealed to? they belivee that Allah revealed to the earlier prophets of jews and christians
who is known to be the seal of the prophets? the prophet muhammad
who delivered the sacred presence, the qur'an, to Allah? the prophet muhammad
how is the prophet muhammad regarded and revered in the religion of isla? muhammad is regarded as a "jewel amongst jewels" and is revered as the best human being ever born, even though he was "only a man"
what are the prophet muhammads teachings and philosophies called? "sunnnah"
what is not allowed when it comes to prophet muhammad? no depictions in art, pronouns, or images
what does prophet mean? "messenger of God"
what does the word "qur'an" refer to? it literally means "recitation" and is considered to be the "sacred presence in the world"
how many translations, or better worded, versions of the qur'an are there? there is only one arabic translation; any type of translation is said to be heretical
what are the rules to respect the qur'an when reciting? 1. you must wash your hands before touching the sacred text 2. you must place the qur'an on a special stand when being read 3. the qur'an must be wrapped ina cloth and kept on a high shelf 4. the qur'an must never be on the floor
what is the best way to understand the qur'an? by reciting the qur'an
who is a "hafiz"? a "hafiz" is a person who has memorized the entirety of the qur'an and recites it to people; this person is respected in the community
how does islam depict montheism? Allah is the only one God
remember this 99 names of Allah
what are the five pillars of islam? shahadah, sallah, sawmn, zakat, hajj
what is the purpose of the five pillars of islam? five duties that muslims induce responsibility towards
define shahadah shahadah = testimony of faith that reads, "there is no God but God. muhammad is the messenger of God"; this reminds muslims to not worship false idols
define sallah sallah = prayer; all muslims must pray five times in these times during the day (morning, noon, mid afternoon, sunset, evening)
define sawm sawm= fasting; muslims must fast from drinking, eating, smoking, and sex (pregnant women, women menstruating, and those who are sick are exempt from fasting)
define zakat zakat (to purify or cleanse) = wealth sharing; muslims must give to charity 2.5% of their wealth, not just income (alms giving)
define hajj hajj = pilgrimage; it is encouraged to those that can afford it and are physically fit (it is located at the Kaaba Mecca in Saudi Arabia)
Created by: literary._.nerd
Popular Religion sets




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